Ramp Design

Ramp Design

Onsite or remote
New York City, USMiami, USToronto, CASan Francisco, US
Elevate one another
Fight for simplicity
Ship early and often
In it to win it
Strong opinions loosely held

Introduce us to your team

We are a ~20 people product design team building the fastest growing fintech in the US.

Here's at least those of us with Read.CV accounts today:

We hang out outside of the office.

Share an interesting side project from a team member

Diego is working on building a bigger family. Zain is learning 3D modeling to fulfill his dream of becoming an NFT.

How are design reviews conducted with leadership?

At Ramp, designers are stakeholders and everyone is empowered to make their own decisions. We work very closely with our product and engineering partners and we ship without obstacles.

We are unencumbered by red tape and we don't "present options" to stakeholders — we present solutions to our colleagues and we farm for dissent. Together, we craft the optimal solution. Be prepared to lead.

Share the last meme from the team chat

What advice would you give to people who want to join your team?

Do it.