Wiktor Gała

Wiktor Gała

Poland · United States


3D Processing

Currently working on a platform to expedite 3D manufacturing for businesses by offering post-processing services. Utilizing React, Next.js, and Supabase to create a real-time quoting engine and provide shipping labels and estimates, allowing manufacturing enterprises to focus on printing, not post-processing. Work in progress screenshots:


Utilized Webflow component/UI kit. Tailored to client's needs, and created bespoke subpages. Utilized Make.com to detect spam form submissions, email clients automatically (emails written in HTML/CSS). Used openpanel no-cookie analytics with custom tags.


A mobile game concept app. Utilized Swift, SwiftUI, Firebase (Functions, Firestore, Storage, Auth), Algolia, RevenueCat, and built an internal dashboard in Retool.


Attempted to create a new take on tutoring. Built a mobile app and backend infrastructure. Utilized Swift, SwiftUI+UIKit, Firebase (multiple products), Stripe Connect, Retool for the internal dashboard, and Webflow for the marketing site. Joined Replit Ventures incubator. Pitched to Google Ventures, Bloomberg Beta, Coatue, YC as part of the program.

Emojithon (WWDC22 Project)

Utilized Swift, SwiftUI+UIKit, Google object detection ML model, and Vision framework from Apple. The objective was to improve players' memory by quickly recalling common household objects' placement.

AP CS A Project

Simple GPT chatbot, utilized on-device CoreML model.


WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge Winner from Apple

Created a winning project that utilized a machine learning model from Google and Vision framework from Apple. I also got invited and attended Apple in-person conference WWDC22 in Cupertino!


The startup I co-founded got accepted to this year's cohort of Replit Ventures. We were chosen from among 150 startups from 25+ countries.

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Co-Founder at Orbytes sp. z o.o.

Co-founder of a 3D manufacturing business. We manufacture for various clients, from leading research institutes to aerospace companies to all other engineering companies around Europe (France, Sweden, Germany, UK, Poland, and more). This year, we expect to manufacture over 10,000+ parts (4-5x increase YoY).

2021 — 2022

Founder and leader of my school's creative coding club partnered with an American non-profit.

2020 — 2022

Tutoring platform for the next-gen. Working on iOS, backend, web, and everything in between.


