Hi 👋, I'm an iOS developer 🧑🏽💻 with a love for creating intuitive and user-friendly apps. With a strong background in Swift, UIKit and SwiftUI.
Insurance sales product for Malaysia users to avail benefits for travel care.
Insurance sales product facilitating Hong Kong users to avail benefits for 72 critical illnesses.
UpRizeNow is a niche online IT Human Cloud Marketplace that takes pride in bringing skilled talents and companies closer to their preferences through its application.
The LinkBluCon app can be used with BluCon (TransAm or NightRider) with Abbott's FreeStyle Libre sensor to get near real-time glucose trends.
Nujible on your Apple Watch to get a subtle, periodic nudge that reminds you to stay awake and focused!
Ziyarat Hajj & Umrah application is for people who are going to perform Hajj or Umrah.
Personal Trainers - Kanthaka app is a Personal training and yoga on-demand app where Find personal trainers and private yoga instructors near you.
CSR activity to plant 1000 saplings in a nearby place.
OWASP examination in Swift iOS SDK
OWASP examination in Swift iOS SDK
OWASP examination in Swift iOS SDK
OWASP examination in Swift iOS SDK