Sunny Mishra

Sunny Mishra

Product Designer in India, He/him

Crafting aesthetic & functional product design solutions.

A month ago


Product designer

Alumni @10kdesigners

Available for full-time/freelance work:



Started with the prompt to redesign the existing companion app for FitMe 3D body scanner.

Did early, primary and secondary research, created user personas based on research findings, explored some of the design solutions through pen & paper, created wireframes based on the sketches that were most closer to the solution.

Designing high fidelity visuals for the app and prototyping it for early user feedbacks.


The project started with the problem statement to redesign a landing page Savion. Existing landing page isn't doing justice ethe amazing things they are doing.

So studied competitors, understood the visual styles that suits better in this industry. Created user persona to design for, explored some of the early designs & finally design high fidelity visuals for the Savion.


Sawaalwala is a web application designed to simplify the question paper creation process for teachers and enhance the learning experience for students.

It also offers rich question library for both the teachers & students for better preparation of exams.

We also designed upcoming features like weekly magazine, daily practice papers, monthly mock exams.


Helped DevSphere by redesigning their existing landing page.

To build better internet presence, brand recognition & user acquisition.

Work Experience

2023 — 2023
Product design intern at Black mongoose technology Pvt Ltd

Helped stakeholders by designing MVP for their next ed-tech product name "Sawaalwala"

My job was to ideate possible solutions from the product brief. Create user personas, primary & secondary research, ideate possible solutions through paper sketches, low fidelity wireframes, high fidelity visuals & prototype the whole design in a way that end users can give actionable feedbacks.

The job also included designing their landing page from scratch, exploring logos and their brand identity and creating them.



Completed the product design cohort-based course from 10kdsigners with 2 case-studies on real world problem.
