Antinomy Studio

Antinomy Studio

Onsite or remote
Amsterdam, NLBerlin, DE
Work/life balance
Happy hours
Leaving at 5pm
Move fast, break things

Introduce us to your team

Our studio team has grown significantly over the past year and a half, from just 3 people to a talented group of 8. While the majority of our team is based in Amsterdam, we also encourage remote work and our oldest member Paul is based in Berlin.

Baptiste Briel
Baptiste Briel
Technical Director
Flavien Guilbaud
Flavien Guilbaud
Design Advisor
Paul Bouisset
Paul Bouisset
Lead Developer
Gwen Bogaert
Gwen Bogaert
Creative Developer
Digital Producer
Hugues Briel
Hugues Briel
Studio Assistant
Kalok Yeung
Kalok Yeung
Lead Designer

What does your workplace look like?

You'll find us in the serene waters of an Amsterdam harbor, a popular destination for summer swims among the locals, albeit for a brief period each year of warmth and sunshine when the rain is nowhere in sight.

We're fortunate to be sharing a wall with Bisou, an art gallery, which means we usually have a rotating collection of beautiful paintings gracing our studio space.

What design tools do you use day to day?

Figma is our primary tool for all UI design and prototyping tasks, and we're well-versed in its capabilities. Additionally, we employ After Effects for specific motion design projects to add a touch of magic 🪄 to our work.

What does your stack look like?

Our development team has extensive experience working with various headless CMS platforms and adopting the Jamstack approach. We are particularly fond of Vue.js (Nuxt.js) and Dato (as we are official partners), as well as Shopify as a headless solution. Additionally, we rely on GreenSock's ❤️ GSAP library for JavaScript animations, and much of our code is built using Vanilla JavaScript and ES6 classes.