A Developer turned hands-on product manager and tech enthusiast with 7+ years of experience in scaling and innovating products.
Work Experience
- Leading the platform extensibility product: Segment Functions, where I define the long-term vision and roadmap.
- Released multiple table stake features like versioning, mid-pipeline functions, versioning, observability, batching and multiplexing etc., to strengthen our position in the CEP (Customer Engagement Platform) market.
- Implemented multiple product analysis practices across the product team to track and improve feature adoption and usage.
- Leading the SME council to foster an ongoing feedback loop, gaining valuable insights into customer pain points, sales feedback, and GTM perspectives.
- Contributed to the company's vision with stakeholders to take the company from a charting library to a Business Intelligence (BI) library for developers.
- Released two new products (FusionTime and FusionGrid) and took them to product-market fit as a part of the new vision.
- Built ancillary products for developers and it helped the sales team to increase the ticket size by 40%.
- Worked with the growth team to improve conversions on various pages like download, pricing, and the home page.
- Led cross-functional teams composed of members from Engineering, Design, Operations, and Quality to improve processes with better release cadence, project management practices, transparency about the roadmap, and stakeholder collaboration.
- Managed product roadmaps, wrote detailed PRDs, prioritized scope, and executed company strategies to achieve business objectives.
- Conducted user interviews with Fortune 500 customers and served as a single point of contact for their requirements.
- Spearheaded the successful launch of multiple products including FusionStore (Charts content management system for FusionCharts web), Theme Engine and Extension Model for FusionCharts.
- Executed the rebranding exercise for the developer center (documentation) improving the quality of documentation by over 30%.
- Part of the Dev-X team responsible for handling the complete web architecture for FusionCharts. Also involved in design reviews and provide inputs to design recommendations.
- Gathered functional and non-functional client requirements to optimize the design and development of BI deliverables.
- Developed rich interactive graphics & data visualizations of extensive structured data in browser-friendly formats and handled development of FusionMaps.
Segment Functions empowers developers to send any data into and out of Segment by just a few lines of code. It also enables users to apply advanced enrichment and transformation on their data.
A highly responsive and customizable JavaScript data grid component that works with the same datastore you're already using with FusionCharts. Making it a perfect addition for your dashboard needs.
FusionTime helps you visualize time-series and stock data in JavaScript, with just a few lines of code. Whether it’s a simple time-series chart, stock chart, millions of data points in a chart, or even complex multivariate analysis, you can render all of them with the same ease-of-use.
An in-depth demonstration of how you can leverage FusionCharts to quickly build real-time dashboards for visual representation of your data.
The patent titled "Systems And Methods for Validating Licenses" was the focus of my work, which aimed to enable license validation for client-side JS libraries through the use of crypto APIs provided by the browser.
Led the team that worked on the patent titled, 'Systems and methods for implementing layout designs using JavaScript'. It helps to define several ways to implement layout designs that are not confined to any programming language. (Not listed as an inventor)