Architect, Designer, Educator
Capstone projects & research papers guided:
- Hack A-tack: Designing to encourage responsible online Behavior in teens
- Project Sentinel: PTSD workshop for Indian Armed Forces
- Food wastage in Indian households
- Suffice: A connected application to learn bite-sized fire safety
- Project Karma: Reviving the sanctity of polluted water bodies near religious places of India
- Finding non-mainstream destinations for Gen Z travelers
- Mindivert: Making urban teens and young adults mindful about their marijuana consumption
- Enabling preschoolers to perceive dangers and prevent injuries
- Unpause life - a kit to decode the menopause life
- Commute with Care: making the commute easier and effortless for elderly people
- A secret rescue: A design solution to tackle domestic abuse
- Rethinking the commute experience in suburban trains: To make it socially comfortable, equitable, and gender inclusive.
- Alvive - Enhancing Quality of Life: A holistic approach to post hysterectomy care for women in their prime.
- ParentPal - Enhancing parent-child connection during work hours: A communication device to connect toddlers and working mothers.
- Empowering teen girls with confidence and knowledge: A menstruation application to educate starting with their menarche and help them overcome their physical and emotional challenges.
Side Projects
A mobile application for postman to plan their day and log their activities for a smoother service and to generate records digitally.
A Chrome extension for annotating, saving, and copying text/images from web pages easily without compromising the browsing history.
Work Experience
Design Theory (1st Year) - To develop creative & critical thinking skills, familiarize design processes and approaches.
Form Exploration (Ist Year) - To develop model making and form finding skills.
Ideation & Prototyping (2nd Year) - Introduction to design process with emphasis on ideation and prototyping stages.
Simple Product Design (2nd Year) - Design of tangible products considering giving importance to physical ergonomics, affordance, materials & manufacturing process.
Data Visualization (2nd Year) - To represent and communicate complex data in simple efficient visualization.
Connected Experiences (3rd Year) - IoT based products & services
Behavioral Design (3rd Year) - Using behavioral science insights & gamification approach to build user engagement and behavioral transformation through design framework.