Philipe Nascimento

Philipe Nascimento

Designer in Mococa, São Paulo, Brasil, he/him


My name is Philipe Nascimento

23 years old

Designer and Illustrator I have a desire in conceptualize ideas into visual language. I specialize in branding and illustration and with the knowledge I seek to solve problems with creativity and empathy.

I use the tools at my dispouse like Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, After Effects, Premiere, DaVinci Resolve and Blender to help me find the best way to make your brand shine.

Work Experience

2021 — 2022

In charge of social media content, retail campaigns and printing material for 18 clients.

My expertise was illustration, 3D, composition pieces for social media and mograph.

I was mainly responsable for companies like Amplar, Artnatu, Grupo Conexão, Domitila, Estúdio Nima, Êxito Imóveis, Gabriel Tavares Advocacia, KABE, KOI Gastronomia, Laboratório São Francisco, Planus, Somassey e TMKP.




2014 — Now

9 years ago I started my journey as a self-taught graphic designer reading books, taking courses and watching videos. In the beginning I was just trying to express my artistic desire with graphic design but later I realize that design was not just about the visuals but solving problems with creativity and empathy.

I started to use my knowloadge as a tool for design thinking. I learned how to code, how to draw in new styles, to animate and 3D modelling and with all this new tools at my dispouse I hope to bring new perspetictives.

2016 — 2018
ETEC Francisco Garcia

High School with Associate Degree in Web Design

Ensino Médio Integrado com Técnico em Informática para Internet