Kevin Neaton

Kevin Neaton

Code, Audio, Music


As a software developer and audio engineer, I've worked with artists and musicians for over 15 years. I'm excited to bring my unique perspective and experience to creators and brands onchain.

Work Experience

2023 — Now

A software design and development studio, founded in 2023 out of a desire to build user-centric software as public goods on and off-chain.

2024 — 2024

I started working with Oscillator at the end of 2023 and operated as CTO and co-founder of the company at the start of 2024. In that time we launched the first Oscillator app: FanScore.

2012 — 2023

A niché website builder founded in 2005 to serve the unique needs of visual artists. As a full stack software engineer, I've worked to augment our legacy service with a modern UI and back-end publishing pipeline, while maintaining integrations and delivering new features. I've since become the principal engineer leading engineering, operations and product development.


Mesa at Copyright Wallet, Inc.

For musicians and their teams, create a project on Mesa to coordinate with collaborators, track IP splits and contributions, generate contracts, and distribute the final product.


I joined the CC0lab team as a designer and software engineer to launch the project website, mixtape NFT, and CC0 remix cooperation.


Connect your wallet to get your FanScore and see your rank on a global leaderboard. Generate a FanLink prove your fandom across the web.


Winner of 3 awards and finalist @ the ETHGlobal | Metabolism hackathon.


A live-coding environment with an embedded DSL and API for interacting with the SuperCollider audio engine.

