The company is engaged in government projects in many regions of the country. For me, as a former applicant, this was an interesting fact. Russia is a large country and it is often very pleasant to see references to your hometown in an unexpected context. Therefore, on the main page we decided to show in which regions we work.
When you hover over a location, you are able to see the landmark of the region.
For future colleagues
I also paid a lot of attention to the contact page. Our office is located in a business center with a complex internal layout. We posted a photo-quest "how to find us" on the website. Almost every new employee of ours thanks us for this page to this day :)
Saving traditions
The filling of the site was carried out by the heads of departments. It was important for them to work in a familiar Wordpress editor. Regarding my role in writing content for this website, I was only engaged in the design of vacancies and the description of the Neat UI product.