

Product Designer in Berlin, He/him


I help venture-backed start-ups build their digital products from 0 to 1. I like solving problems big and small, glamorous and not, for all kinds of users, customers, or for the business – even if it means cleaning the dishes.

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Berlin, Germany

I help take care of a team of 18 Designers in Berlin and Lead Design Operations across EMESA.

  • Established a DesignOps practice from 0-to-1.
  • Developed universally applicable tools, trainings and frameworks that are now used globally to improve design efficiency and quality.
  • Managed migration of design tool stack migration 
for BCG X reorg.
2018 — 2022
Berlin, Germany

I take care of our design teams (2-6) on and across ventures, while balancing individual contributor product design, design systems, design process, and design management work. 

Lead global & regional design initiatives, our design critiques, contribute to design hiring, and make sure new designer are set up for success.

  • Launched 5 products and companies to market (0 to 1). Namely: Source2sea, Tilda, Tenera, Tooltime, Labtwin.
  • Rolled out Figma and Design Systems to 200+ Designers
  • Managed the creation of a Design Onboarding Program for remote onboarding designers to the BCGDV ways of working
2017 — 2018
Berlin, Germany

Designed and launched products and services for clients like Mercedes Benz, Daimler Trucks, and Ikea.

2013 — 2017
Berlin, Germany

Designed and launched products and services for clients like Audi, Bayer, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, and Škoda.



What better way to show off your work in the tool that you work in?



How a Well-Crafted Meeting Structure Elevates Team Performance and Organizational Maturity


Why your early-stage startup might be better off without a design system.



Company & Product Launched: Source2Sea is a global marketplace for the ship supply industry (B2B).


Company & Product Launched: Arcual is the first blockchain ecosystem built by the art community, for the art community.


Company & Product Failed: Tilda offers preventative programs to treat mental disorders (B2C). The company was shut down and all programs discontinued on 1. February 2022.


Company & Product Launched: Tenera is a Connected Construction Platform (CCP) - the first model-based construction cloud (B2B).


Company & Product Launched: ToolTime is a solution for crafter’s businesses that are burdened by cumbersome paperwork (B2B).


Company & Product Launched: LabTwin is the leading voice powered digital lab assistant making research faster, easier and more efficient.

