Stefan Imhoff

Stefan Imhoff

Front-End Web Developer in Hamburg, Germany


👨🏻‍💻Front-End Web Developer • 👨🏻‍🎨 Designer • ⬜️ Minimalist • ⛩ Japanophile



As a Senior Web Developer on the Design System Team, I created, maintained, and documented the components of the XING Design System. I supported teams implementing our components across the platform.

XING Onboarding Illustrations at XING SE

I was asked to create three new illustrations that could be used for an Onboarding screen on XING. I accepted the challenge to take over this task outside of my job description and finished the whole process from concept, and scribbles to final illustrations in a day.


I created this website for the Osteopathie-Institut Hamburg in 2010 as one of my last websites before I started working as a Frontend Engineer for XING.


I created this small website for three Thai restaurants in Hamburg in 2010. It was online for nearly ten years and I had a lot of fun creating it.

Side Projects


My website and blog first launched in 2006 and is the website you’re looking at. The current design is the 4th iteration.


My Ninjutsu Book 木隠 was first launched in 1999 and is my oldest and most visited website. The current design is the 9th iteration. In 2022 I translated it to English to make it accessible to a larger readership.


I created this Photography Blog for one of my hobbies: I explore the city of Hamburg, mostly walking, and sometimes biking to find out more about the individual districts and to shoot photos. The current design is the 2nd iteration.


One of my passions is Sketchnotes or also called Visual Notetaking. In Sketchnoting you use visual language to quickly visualize ideas, notes, or thoughts. I create Sketchnotes since I first visited a workshop in 2015.


I started writing Haiku poetry some years ago inspired by the works of the Japanese Haiku poet Matsuo Bashō. I think Haiku is a fun, creative way to use limitation and brevity while saying something meaningful.


This iA Writer template is inspired by the Japanese aesthetics style shibui which was founded during the Muromachi period (1336-1392). I use the same style for my current personal branding on my personal website, for my martial arts book and my photo blog.


This iA Writer template is inspired by the typographic style of the book Engaging Japanese Philosophy by Thomas P. Kasulis, designed by the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture.


In 2007 I stumbled upon a Japanese book about the traditional colors of Japan by Nobyoshi Hamada. He listed all 250 colors with their color value in the appendix. I took some time to create an ASE file to be used with all common design software and dedicate a website, listing them all with their name and color values.


I redesigned my Martial Arts Online Magazine in 2017. Additionally, I moved the website from Jekyll (as a static page generator) to Hugo. I used the CSS Grid Layout throughout the website, the homepage has 12 different grids.


I wrote this book in 2017 out of the essays I’ve written on my Martial Arts website in the last 20 years. It’s a book in German about the Ninja and their secret art of Ninjutsu.

I also designed the book cover for my book. The book was written with GitBook and can be read or downloaded for free as PDF, ePub, or Mobi eBook.


The Iga Ninja Cipher Font was created by me of an image provided by the Iga Ninja Museum in Japan and is said to be a font for correspondence in cipher. It was a fun personal project to learn how to create a typeface.


I created a website for one of my hobbies: I explore Hamburg, mostly walking, sometimes biking to find out more about the individual districts and to shoot photos. There are 109 districts in Hamburg and I plan to walk them all, street by street.

Bamboo Illustration

I created the bamboo illustration in 2006 for my Martial Arts website using Adobe Illustrator and the gradient grid tool.

2015 I decided to use my bamboo as SVG on my website. Unfortunately, the gradient tool is not supported in SVG and I needed to recreate my bamboo with linear, radial, and other supported gradients in Affinity Designer.


My website and blog was relaunched in April 2014 with a Responsive Design.

I build it with Jekyll, later migrated to Hugo, and automated the process with Gulp.js, optimized for various screen resolutions starting at a smartwatch up to desktop size. It uses SVG for the logo and all icons. It is speed optimized and passes Google's Page Speed Insights Test with a full score. I provide a full Styleguide to see all variations possible for content elements. The source programming is available on GitHub.


I created this illustration for a previous version of my website in 2007 with a pencil on paper and then brought it into Adobe Photoshop, where all coloring was done.



A long poem analysis of Rudyard Kipling's poem “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”. The research for this essay was immense.


I wrote this essay based on true events and got surprisingly much positive feedback for such a short piece.


I wrote this essay in 2017 for “On Advertising” and it was featured by Medium as the article of the day.

Jazz fürs Web, Webstandards Magazin

I wrote an article about the Python framework Django for the “Webstandards Magazin” print issue 07/10.

Work Experience

2020 — Now
Hamburg, Germany

Programming of central components for the XING Platform with React and CSS. Development, maintenance, and documentation of the XING Design System. Support for the product teams with the integration of new interfaces from components of the Design System. The conception of new components in collaboration with designers and developers. Evaluation of coding challenges and interviews for hiring new Frontend Developers. Administration of a Slack workspace with over 800 participants.

2011 — 2020
Hamburg, Germany

Development, deployment, and monitoring of multiple XING products. Concept, idea, and development of user interface improvements on the job marketplace, which lead to 59 % more visitors to job ads. Idea and conception of a freelancer marketplace in a Hack Week, which lead to a new product on the platform. Development of an iPad hybrid app with Backbone.js. Creation of a screencast series in cooperation with User Care. Development of multiple products such as the logged-out profile, public search, onboarding user flow, and profile-filling widget with React, Redux, and GraphQL.

2002 — 2010
Web Designer at Dumrath & Fassnacht
Hamburg, Germany

Planning, design, and layout of websites. Implementation in W3C standard with HTML and CSS. Programming websites with content management systems and blog systems. Revision and update of an existing customer website.
Customer advisory

2002 — 2005
Media Designer at IGS Development
Harbke, Germany

Creation of Internet and Intranet pages with HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, and Typo3. Filming of industrial processes and production facilities in Germany and France. Editing and Postproduction with Premiere, Avid, and After Effect. Creation of 3D models and animations with 3ds max and Cinema 4D.

2001 — 2001
Intern Web Design at Schmitz Kommunikation
Hamburg, Germany

Relaunch, conception, and realization of websites with Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photos, and Flash 5 & ActionScript.


1999 — 2001

