Jonah McLachlan

Jonah McLachlan

UX Researcher in United Kingdom


UX Research, Product and Delivery at Once for All. Currently based in Belfast, UK

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Belfast, UK

Playing a critical role in the product team, working closely with designers & product owners. Once For All is a SaaS supply chain platform for suppliers & buyers in the Construction industry. As the Solo UX researcher in company, I've primarily had to setup process.


  • Running mix-method, discovery projects with stakeholders & clients. This has included NPS analysis, usage metrics, interviews, reviewing chat logs for example.
  • Usability Testing with buyers & suppliers to test Figma prototypes or existing live apps.
  • Creating succinct, actionable reports for project owners & designers. These insights directly impacted roadmap and product quality.
  • Effective storytelling by creating reports, presentations, maps & visuals.
  • Sourced Dovetail for transcriptions, analysis and reporting.
  • Created a customer research repository to manage, maintain and track progress.
  • Sourced Maze for unmoderated usability & tree test studies.


  • Mapped out all research methods, and creating process for each one.
  • Documentation for multiple tools for quantitative & qualitative methods.
  • Communicating the value of UX to the wider business and getting stakeholder buy-in for adopting UXR processes as part of product delivery.
  • Creating on-boarding material for other team members


  • Responsible for managing over 40 Chameleon instances on the platform. This tool drives awareness and adoption of features.
  • Created process and documentation for wider team.
  • Handled multi-language translations and liaising with multiple departments to deliver these instances.
  • HTML/CSS styling of components to match brand.

A voluntary part of the role, I was responsible for ensuring our department's processes met multiple ISO standards. I regularly reported on this, and was part of a larger working group to stay compliant.

2020 — Now
Senior UX Designer at Sport Buff

I play a critical part in the feature development of Sport Buff, working closely with the tech leads and product owner. I am responsible for the fan research & the data-driven delivery of new features

  • Organising research discovery campaigns, including surveys, usability testing, card sorting, focus groups & stakeholder interviews.

  • Owning a weekly workshop practice to scope out new features, using the Lean Business Canvas model framework

  • Communicating user requirements to project owner, and co-creating Jira tickets and documentation

  • Creating full end to end experiences for new features, including sketching, data-flow diagrams, wireframes and prototyping

  • Created Beta community in Mailchimp with 80+ participants who regularly took part in user research, through emails with participation links

  • Assisting the UI designer in creating design system, and maintaining the legacy system in Zeplin. Created Tailwind & Material Design components for web & mobile teams to use.

  • Passionate about healthy working culture, which included introducing a team wiki, onboarding checklists and creating a hiring strategy

  • Interviewing, hiring and onboarding two UI designers. Involved in creating product process, organising team retrospectives and provided UX mentoring to Junior.

2019 — 2020
UX Researcher at Bazaarvoice

Working directly with global clients to improve their experience of the platform we provide. Typical week includes usability testing, journey mapping, stakeholder interviews, thematic analysis and presenting findings to product team.

  • Responsible for EMEA research, including procuring research software and creating research strategies.

  • Journey mapping critical services and highlighting opportunities for improvement.

  • Multiple workshops with project teams to apply design-thinking to solve problems.

  • Coordinating office-wide True North internal workshops to shape culture and behaviours.

  • Professional development, working towards a Senior UX Researcher title.

2017 — 2019
UX Designer at Fathom

A key delivery team member, involved in the entire Lean User Experience process: from definition to design. Committed to bringing value to the client through delivering workshops, testing sessions and wireframing.

Responsible for driving internal learning and project retrospections. I am on the committee for the Belfast Digital Meetup which regularly meets with over 80+ in regular attendance.

2016 — 2018
UX Designer at Eyekiller

UX Designer responsible for stakeholder engagement (workshops, interviews etc), user research and competitive benchmarking. After understanding the problem, I'd be involved in a number of low-fidelity sprints to produce wireframes and test them. I'd then collaborate with developers and graphic designers to ensure that the interactions and needs were met (especially from an accessibility perspective).

2016 — 2016
UX Developer at Basestation

I was responsible for taking a product from wireframes to CSS. I managed multiple projects and demonstrated effective communication and workflow coordination.

2015 — 2016
Web Analyst at University of Edinburgh

Placement year which introduced me to multiple experiences including server maintenance, service management, ITIL Training, Drupal web development, UX Design and stakeholder engagement.

Key highlights included:

  • Consulted with over 2,000 university students to improve our web services.
  • Organised multiple hackathons and helped as a UX Mentor.
  • Developed multiple CMS platforms and maintained them.
  • Gave presentations on improving student experience, open data and better tools for communication.



I host a UX podcast for junior designers. This involves scheduling, editing and publishing video interviews with UX leaders from around the world.


Webinar focusing on easy to access discovery methods to bring value to your team.


In this episode, Jonah and host talk about some of the best and worst examples of UX design, the psychology of social proof and how it works, the pros and cons of focus group sessions and loads more!


Sharing case studies and best practice from retail. This talk encourages providers to create better online and offline experiences for their customers.


2022 — Now

I run a mentoring community of designers & researchers. I provide regular learning sessions and internships for over 10 students.

2020 — Now

Mentoring multiple students on the UI Design and UX Research & Strategy courses.

2020 — Now

Mentoring multiple UI / UX students with their projects over Skype.

2018 — 2019
UX Mentor at UX Design Institute

Regularly delivering 2-day UX training sessions around Europe, including an online mentoring programme for students enrolled in the UX Diploma programme.



Jonah's BiWeekly Freshly Curated UX Resources For Professionals & New Starts (Launching Spring 2022)


5 hours video learning course covering the fundamentals of UX Design.

