Joe Czepil

Joe Czepil

Product Owner/Lead Dev in Vancouver, BC


A freelance web developer who is happy to work directly with clients and excels in an environment that gives ample autonomy to work quickly and effectively.

Open to more work.

Strong with Django, Python, React, Vue, Postgres


Solo Founder at Bastila

Prevent the addition of and track the removal of old code patterns, components, and functions in your codebase.

  • Developed a back-end that integrated with stripe, auth0, and developer integration tools.
  • Built a front-end for managing ongoing code standard and pattern changes and removals.
  • Built and published a GitHub action and Azure DevOps extension for integrating developer tools and Bastila.
Solo Founder at Bard

Bard was a collaborative storytelling and world-building platform for creatives.

  • Developed a React frontend and Django DRF API from scratch to launch.
  • Iterated on the platform on and off over five years with improvements, bug fixes, and reactors.
  • Organized, planned, announced, and promoted releases.
  • Managed custom requests, suggestions, complaints, and community discussions.
  • Created and shared written, video, and visual content to market the platform.

$1300 in revenue and 600+ users. Discontinued.

Ex-founding Developer at Muriel
  • Integrated with the financial service Plaid to receive webhooks updates that included transaction data across all connected accounts for a user and organized those transactions into categories appropriate for the application
  • Helped build a front-end React native application for viewing, sorting, and searching financial accounts and transactions.
Business Presenter & Developer at Liefbase
  • Presented a 90 seconds pitch to a committee for our disaster relief recovery software for nonprofit organizations and govt organizations to communicate vital information to the public and each other, and won $300!
  • Planned, memorized, and presented a 10-minute live presentation of our business plan to a committee and won $1000. Presented that same business plan to a startup acceleration program which resulted in a meeting with a related mapping company that advised us on our challenges and future, which eventually resulted in the end of the project.
Solo Founder at Texchange
  • Designed and developed a textbook exchange web application using Django that allowed users to login, search for books to buy, post books for sale, and contact sellers and buyers.
  • Scraped the universities website for book requirements by class and semester to ensure quality and integrity of book postings.

Work Experience

2021 — Now
  • Jumped into a half-completed and convoluted recycling claims incentive software service and completed the front-end work to deliver the final product.
  • Redesigned and rebuilt the backend and frontend for a custom bulk communication service for communicating with businesses using various filters and parameters using AWS SES and SNS.
  • Performed major package upgrades on a Django and Vue project that hadn't been updated in 3 years and was using node and python versions that were long out of LTS.
  • Researched, documented, and planned the implementation of new custom-built frontend components such as tables, various form inputs, forms, modals, buttons, and notifications to use modern practices and to use consistent UI/UX.
2018 — 2021
Product Development Lead & Developer at GetSmart Solutions Inc
  • Built a web portal using angular4 and an existing Nodejs and express backend for remitters to log in and submit claims for their contribution to the recycling process of tires.
  • Performed performance testing on our Python, Django, Django Rest Framework backend and implemented performance improvements where needed by optimizing database queries, refactoring serializer usage and extensions, removing large instances of memory usage, and fine-tuning permissions checks.
  • Refactored our back-end architecture by removing business and app functionality out of the serializer and view layers and into service layers that did a better job of encapsulating related business logic for easier maintainability and testability.
  • Developed payment entry, import, and export tools for managing incoming payments from bank institutions that needed to be applied against in-app invoices.
  • Developed extensive tooling and functionality around invoices, taxes, payments, and adjustments for remitters and claimants.
  • Regularly made minor and major additions to the functionality of the app in the way of adding forms, reports, tables, and new navigation for applying CRUD to a new set of database models and information.
  • Prepared and organized a Figma document with colors, typography, and regularly used components to help make building prototypes and presentations to clients easier, faster, and of higher fidelity.
  • Scheduled and ran one on ones, story planning sessions, story grooming sessions, and sprint retrospectives as apart of our agile process.
  • Regularly demoed completed features to clients
  • Regularly synced up with clients to understand demands and requests and to tactfully share advice, feedback, and direction while ultimately allowing clients to make final decisions on matters that mattered to them most.
  • Regularly demoed and explained new standards, directions, and large refactors to the teams and sometimes clients
  • Managed incidents, hotfixes, and outages by working closely with managers, clients, and our developer operations expert.
  • Regularly documented and shared new standards and information with the development, management, and support teams.
2021 — 2021
Full Stack Developer at Certn
  • Worked directly with the customer success, small and medium business, and legal & compliance teams to deliver results that met everyone's expectations.
  • Built and improved onboarding for small and medium-sized businesses while also providing flexible tools for large customer success employees to onboard large customers using a custom-built frontend and an integration with HubSpot.
  • Performed a color hex code audit to clean up and enforce consistent brand colors across the applications and websites.
2016 — 2017
Frontend Developer Co-op at Global Relay
  • Worked directly with designers to refactor, improve, and implement a new standard of modal UI and UX across 60+ previously inconsistent modals across that added improved responsiveness, error handling, and UX consistency.
  • Tediously worked across teams to perfect a 26px alignment of tables, headers, tasks, and actions across the flagship product and the functionality provided on the flagship product by all teams.


2012 — 2018
Business Minor at University of Victoria
2012 — 2018
Bachelor of Software Engineering at University of Victoria
