Design a tablet dashboard that connects residents that live in the same private community (a building, for example). The target audience is seniors (60+) who see accessibility and retaining an active social life as a key concern.
Some of the key functionalities of the platform are to provide an easy way for residents to connect and communicate with each other, create and stay informed about events, vote on community initiatives, request a repairman, and complete their basic profile.
💡 Link to detailed research and design thinking
Competitor's analysis and information architecture

User personas

There are 4 options of the dashboard, that will be shown to a participant.

Usability testing
I’ve showed four navigation options to one of the responders, 81 y.o. Nina. She said, does not see much difficulty in choosing the right category from each of the navigation options. But info at the home page will duplicate the menu names, so cards were decided to be the best navigation options.
When I asked, what she would like to see in such an app, she proposed to show offers (from supermarkets or from neighbors), and to divide events to house, district and city events. Also, to add an emergency phone at the service category. I was thinking of adding it at the homepage. But usually seniors know this short number and would just dial it from the phone. It was decided to leave it at the services just as a reminder.
Updated wireframes

Besides users feedback, a dark theme was added, and the page title's color is repeating the color of dashboard's cards. Though, we must consider users with color perception features.

It was a test task, and thanks to it, I got a job. Elderly people are an important group of people, that often we forget about. They are sometimes even more active and socializing than younger ones, and eager to learn new things. I'm grateful for having this experience and learning more about the nuances of working for elderly people.