Mitul Gajera

Mitul Gajera

Software Designer

Optimistic about future of Blockchain adoption and Web 3.0

3 years ago

As a software designer and engineer, I like working on the end-to-end process of solving problems for people who interact with technology for their use. I've taken the lead in Product Design, collaborating closely with founders to develop 0-1 products like Non-custodial wallets, Global inflation dashboard, Financial data marketplace, Governance platform, and Flatcoin. It was crazy to ride for learning/ executing. From this experience, I found many insights and problems in this space that need to be solved, and right now working on them.

Immediately after my engineering studies, I joined Iconscout (Acquired by Lottiefiles) India's largest design asset marketplace where I worked with a team to scale a community of designers and photographers around the world. during my time at Iconscout, My tenure at Iconscout was instrumental in honing my entrepreneurial skills.

I have diverse interests spanning financial technology, infrastructure tech startups, and user experience design. I enjoy connecting with people from various backgrounds and am always open to discussing anything under the sun. Feel free to hit me up if you'd like to chat!

Work Experience

2023 — Now

We are building A decentralized middleware solution designed to facilitate seamless integration of privacy between blockchain and protocols while remaining compliant.

2022 — 2024
US (working remotely)

I joined Laguna as a product designer and subsequently took the lead in designing various products from the ground up. This includes creating a non-custodial wallet, developing a decentralized global inflation dashboard, and establishing a marketplace for Truflation and NUON - a Flatcoin backed by the decentralized CPI of truflation.

  • I worked independently to complete projects ranging from new features to entirely new product offerings.
  • Conducted user research to understand user needs and problems
  • Lead internal workshops to define and refine design goals and needs
  • Design flows and experiences that are simple, intuitive, and elegant
  • Design new experiences or layouts that evolve or define visual systems in order to raise our bar for quality continually
  • Partner with product managers, engineers, and other cross-functional partners to iterate on and oversee the user experience of a product from conception until launch

**Non-biased inflation oracle - @truflation**
"A truly global inflation dashboard "Truflation" would be the next coinmarketcap. It'd be bigger than that, in fact." These words were from Balaji Srinivasan and the idea was proposed by Balaji himself.

**Inflation-proof flatcoin - @nuon**
Inflation-proof flatcoin which uses Truflation's custom index for its peg to maintain stability against Inflation.

**Non-custodial wallet**
Multichain multiplatform web3 wallet for the Laguna ecosystem.

2020 — 2022

A first and only designer for every project across desktop, iOS, and Android and also built a Design system.

MahaDAO's first designer to be on the core team and building and designing foundational products like ARTHCoin, ARTHLoan, MAHALend to make their adoption easy.

MahaDAO is a community-focused decentralized organization built on Matic Network launching the world's first value coin, ARTH.

ARTH is an algorithmic currency that strives to maintain its store of value over time and fight one of the biggest enemies of financial freedom- the depreciation of money.

2019 — 2020

Join Icnoscout right after completing engineering to Lead Iconscout photos and grow content from 0 to 200k plus and still.

built a global community of designers and photographers.

I helped to grow content for the Illustration/ Icon category by connecting with designers around the world and design teams around the world.

I helped to accelerate their growth in various different phases of the acquisition funnel. Depending on the current company focus, it could be across any facet of acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, or referral. Work closely with the Founder, CTO, CMO, and other stakeholders to think about product strategy and roadmap.



zkFi is a decentralised middleware solution designed to facilitate seamless integration of privacy using zero-knowledge proofs within various multi-chain protocols, encompassing domains such as DeFi, gaming, social networks, DAOs, e-commerce, and the metaverse. Our design achieves two divergent goals. zkFi aims to preserve consumer privacy while achieving regulation compliance through zero-knowledge proofs. These ends are simultaneously achievable. zkFi protocol is designed to function as a plug-and-play solution, offering developers the flexibility to handle transactional assets while abstracting away the complexities associated with zero-knowledge proofs. Notably, specific expertise in zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) is optional, attributed to zkFi’s modular approach and software development kit (SDK) availability.


Truflation is a Non-biased inflation oracle.

A truly global inflation dashboard "Truflation" that would be the next coinmarketcap. It'd be bigger than that, in fact. This idea was originally proposed by Balaji Srinivasan to build a censorship-resistant inflation dashboard and later we started building it after Balaji and chainlink gave a grant.…


Inflation-proof flatcoin which uses Truflation's custom index for its peg to maintain stability against Inflation


Multichain multiplatform non-custodial wallet


ARTH is a type of currency that is designed not to be pegged to government-owned currencies (like the US Dollar, Euro, or Chinese Yuan), but still remain relatively stable (unlike Gold and Bitcoin). Without being influenced by government-owned currencies, ARTH will be immune to inflation. Through stability, ARTH also becomes a superior choice of money for means of trade. This is unlike Gold or Bitcoin, which are used more as a store of value rather than a medium of exchange. GMU backs ARTH.

Product ARTH is a platform to scale usability where people can take interest-free Loans with leveraged positions, redeem, farm LP tokens and earn rewards, Analyse the whole protocol.

Design System at MahaDAO

As I was the first designer of MahaDAO. From start, I considered working on building a design system that can be useful to scale products with dynamic components and make a consistent experience for all products.

ARTH Wallet at MahaDAO

An open-source complete decentralized mobile wallet to send money as simple as sending the text message

MahaTracker at MahaDAO

A SaaS tool that is great of use for founders in crypto space to track token allocation done to investors from their pre-sale/ seed-stage investment.

Governance at MahaDAO

The place where MAHA holders are can govern protocol. which includes adjusting policy for the ARTH, can lock MAHA to earn boosted rewards on their provided liquidity pool, choosing new collateral types, choosing inflation weight vote, and improving governance itself.

The case study will be here soon.

Maha Starter at MahaDAO

IDO platform for MahaDAO incubated projects to raise funds.

The case study will be here soon.

MahaLend at MahaDAO

A cross-chain platform where people can do yield farming with leverage position for boosting rewards.

The case study will be here soon.



Last month I decided to write an article of @TheMahaDAO's ARTH - a value stablecoin and its product - Decentralised interest-free loan against crypto assets like ETH, DAI, WBTC, and MATIC. Check article featured by Hackernoon


2015 — 2019
Bachlor of computer engineering at GTU

University 1st rank holder for best Computer engineering Project - Batch 2015-19

From 3 projects one of the projects I had done was on health-care services "Advance Ambulance Assistance system" with the project name "JIVADORI". It was based on Ambulance service. This project was nominated for DMIT awards from all over state Gujarat universities for the best innovative ideas.
DMIT (Dewang Mehta IT Awards) recognizes and rewards the best technology projects done by students from various Universities of Gujarat and it is constituted by NASSCOM.


Product Hunt