A product designer with ten years of experience. Currently working at Samolet. Previously worked at My Moscow, Sber Bank and Yandex.
In my free time, I work on personal projects related to mental health and artificial intelligence, learn programming, and practice photography.
My approach to work is to minimize randomness and ambiguity in design decisions throughout all stages of development.
Work Experience
I’m studying the basics of frontend and backend development. The tech stack I’m learning includes: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, React Router, TypeScript, Node.js, Express, Nest.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker.
I studied the fundamental principles of creating value for products, algorithms for solving product-related challenges, and product strategy mechanics using the Jobs To Be Done framework for both B2B and B2C businesses.
Learned how to create products for people with disabilities. For example, how to work with the expectations of people with autism spectrum disorders, and how to design products for visually impaired or blind people.
Studied the basics of design and management. For example, disciplines such as typography and layout, interface and information, text and editing, negotiations and relationships, management and results, design and law.