Alex Sharp

Alex Sharp

Product Designer


Product designer with 5+ years of experience building fintech, privacy, security, and bitcoin products.



Ben (Bosch), Conor, Ed, Stephen and Christoph shared their experiences with open design (in the bitcoin space).


Could fungus be a serious structural material for the 21st century? Ben Sharp is developing production techniques and applications for fungus that could could provide strong, lightweight, fire-retardant and eco-friendly materials for houses, cars, packaging and more…

Work Experience

2020 — Now

As the Product Design Lead for Zeus, I played a pivotal role in the redesign of the mobile app and website, overseeing the process from ideation to implementation. I worked closely with the founder and CEO to develop a product roadmap that gave structure to the open-source project. By collaborating closely with the team and using my design expertise, I helped to create a streamlined, user-friendly platform that received positive feedback from users.

2020 — Now

As a freelance product designer, I've had the opportunity to work on a range of notable projects. For The Bitcoin Company, I led the redesign of their mobile app and designed new features, including a bitcoin-only exchange, account system, payment tools, card-linked offers, and a comprehensive shopping tool. In addition, I contributed to the MVP design for Fedi's mobile app, helping to develop a user-friendly interface and streamlined user experience.

2021 — 2022

As a recipient of a Spiral grant, I made significant contributions to the Bitcoin Design Guide, an open-source resource offering design guidelines for bitcoin product designers. In this role, I conducted research, created user flows, explored best bitcoin design practices, and developed novel UX approaches for using the bitcoin lightning network. I also applied my design expertise to other open-source bitcoin projects, including Bitcoin Core, LDK, Phoenix, Zeus, and Oshi, among others.

2017 — 2018
Founder at OpenXMR

As the co-founder of OpenXMR, a P2P exchange and escrow service for the cryptocurrency Monero, I played a crucial role in developing the business. I designed and developed the web application, created a brand and business strategy, designed marketing materials, and established a product roadmap. I collaborated closely with my co-founder, who built out the back-end infrastructure.

2015 — 2016

As the President of Bloom, an incubator for startups in Western Australia, I onboarded over 20 projects and guided them through the process of developing their business ideas into viable products for launch.


2014 — 2017

I worked as an undergraduate research student at the Chooi Fungal Genomics Lab. In addition, I was awarded several scholarships in free-market economics from the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation. I also served as the President of both Bloom and the Philosophy Club.

