aarnav singh

aarnav singh

full stack dev in minneapolis, im/him


full stack dev based in minneapolis, founder @webstaxinc


  • built and hosted using vite and tailwindcss

  • lighthouse score of 100/100

  • mongodb + expressjs + nodejs + google auth 2o for automated email notifications

  • solar panel quality-assurance db monitoring and visualization
  1. live fetch from quality assurance db using axios

  2. data visualization using react + chart.js

  3. automated csv data conversion via python

  4. monitoring % of low quality panels produced across 3 diff inspections in real-time using data slicing

  5. google auth 2o automated email alert for low quality panel preset threshold

  • image compression webapp:
  1. user friendly ux

  2. bulk image uploads

  3. image compression using sharp and mozjpeg

  4. metadata storage via mongodb to enable retrieval

  5. automated google cloud platform uploads in specified bucket

  • revamped website:
  1. improved lighthouse score by 20%

  2. migrated contact-us form to mongodb + nodejs

  3. implemented a lead-gen popup form using nodejs backend + react frontend

  4. 15+ stylistic updates including collapsible footer, certification validation redirects and content revision

  5. cleaned codebase

  • website for charitable trust:
  1. built using astro.js + tailwindcss

  2. seo heavy with google search console validation

  3. lighthouse score of 100/100

  4. animated linear gradient of company colors + onscroll sticky header also with animated linear gradient in opposite direction

  5. content creation: company tagline, about, blog, and project descriptions

  • lighthouse score of 100/100

  • built using astro.js and tailwindcss

  • motion enabled linear gradient, custom icons, sticky header with animated linear gradient, custom ctas, and live blog

  • content creation: tagline, about, project description, and blog

  • branding: logo, brand identity, product shoot, glass morphism product cards and custom preloader and hamburger

  • fully responsive ui/ux experience with animated linear gradient and embedded map

  • whatsapp order integration that led to an immediate 30% boost in sales

  • built using tailwindcss and javascript

  • email collection and marketing suing tally forms

  • seamless ui/ux to drive customer engagement

  • built using tailwindcss, mysql, and javascript

  • fully responsive + embedded map + reservation system to streamline table bookings and reduce wait times

  • branding: logo, preloader, animated hamburger

Side Projects

  • developed the only privacy-oriented web application tool for collecting instagram account analytics on followers and following data for both private and public accounts.

  • created a custom javascript data extraction algorithm to target, scrape, list, and compare the account data provided by the user.

  • conceptualized and executed a secure and robust system that never requires user credentials and collects no user data.


2019 — 2023
  • deans list honoree

  • secretary of computer science club

  • 1 of 2 student undergraduate policy committee members

  • student senate member

  • intramural basketball champion

  • peer tutor for statistics and probability

  • resident assistant @holst hall


