Looking for career / collaborative opportunities in academia, research, curation, and conservation.
Work Experience
From 1 October 2022 I will be a postdoctoral Early Career Research Fellow at the Insitute of English Studies, working on a project titled ‘Impressions from ‘beyond the Ganges’: a print-material survey of publications and ephemera, printing processes and labour of the London Missionary Society’s Ultra Ganges Mission, 1815–1842’.
I was a sessional lecturer at the Chelsea College of Art. My work for UAL Chelsea involved providing formative feedback to Year 2 undergraduate students on written project proposals that linked their studio practices to their ‘Design History & Theory’ module.
I was a sessional lecturer at the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, University of Reading. During my contract with the university I assisted full-time lecturers in delivering studio-based projects, taught and assessed the ‘History of typography and graphic communication’ module for Year 1 undergraduate students, as well as assessed and chaired the Integrated design methods seminar module for Year 2 undergraduate students.
My teaching work in the Glasgow School of Art & Singapore Institute of Technology BA(Hons) joint programme involved tutoring Year 3 and 4 undergraduate Communication Design students in their studio modules as well as planning and delivering various workshops and lectures related to studio project briefs. In 2014 I was appointed a supervisor for twelve Year 4 Communication Design undergraduate students in the ‘Forum for critical inquiry’ extended essay and dissertation module.
My work at LASALLE involved the co-planning of overall coursework with the full-time teaching team, and also the co-creation and delivery of the core studio-based projects for Year 2 and 3 Diploma in Design Communication students. I was also responsible for conceptualising, writing, and delivering ‘Cultural and contextual studies’ lectures for all Diploma Year 2 and 3 classes.
Supervisors: Associate Professor Rob Banham, Professor Fiona Ross
Examiners: Dr Annabel Gallop (British Library), Professor Eric Kindel
Thesis title: ‘Networks, artefacts, and technology: nineteenth-century Muslim lithographers, missionaries, and colonialism in the Malay archipelago’
Supervisors: Professor Sue Walker, Dr Mary Dyson
Fellowship funding for a research proposal titled, ‘Constellations of printing: Muslim-Malay lithography in the Straits Settlements, Sumatra, and Riau Archipelago, 1848–1900’.
Awarded by the Graduate School, University of Reading to conduct field work in Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore.
Funding received to conduct research at Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands.
Funding received for a United States research trip to the Asian Division, Library of Congress (Washington DC) and the Houghton Library, Harvard University (Boston, Massachusetts).
Received funding for a three-year doctoral research project titled ’Networks, artefacts, and technology: nineteenth-century Muslim lithographers, missionaries, and colonialism in the Malay archipelago’.
Funding received for ‘From Craft to technology and back again: print’s progress in the twentieth century’ conference.
Grant received to conduct research on typewriting and typographic standards used in late colonial Singapore, 1950s–1970s.
Funding received for curating, designing, and staging an exhibition titled ‘State and citizen: printed ephemera in the First World War’.
(Co-editor with Sahar Afshar, Vaibhav Singh, forthcoming)