![Tre Stewart](https://res.cloudinary.com/read-cv/image/upload/c_fill,h_92,w_92/dpr_1.0/v1/1/profilePhotos/ocuElhswNiVarJpDeDJAvWMKLQS2/24d86b59-986d-4c0e-a440-73ece99dfc34.jpg?_a=DATAdtfiZAA0)
Combining the sign-in and sign-up processes eliminates friction and seamlessly guides customers to the appropriate screens based on whether their entered email address is already associated with an account. This approach eliminates the need for customers to recall whether they have previously registered an email, streamlining the user experience.
In response to the pandemic, American Airlines introduces a touchless bag check-in to reduce interaction with the kiosk and reduce check-in friction pre-TSA.
On most flights, you can connect to wifi or stream free library of movies, music, TV shows and more to your phone, tablet or laptop.
I lead the redesign for American Airline's inflight entertainment portal which passengers used to access inflight entertainment options.
Side Projects
Sites designed for mobile that set an industry standard of excellence with their user interface design.
Sites designed for mobile that offer the best user experience through innovative design, personalized data experiences, and useful functionality.
Work Experience
Manage the Identity product suite for Walmart.com, including Sign-up, Login, Personal Information, and Identity verification. I also maintain the design subsystem for Walmart.com's glass experience, am responsible for Figma Training, implementing new design patterns, and creating shared components for designers
• Led a team of 4 designers to redesign the Self-service machines, resulting in reduced session time
Built the design system and facilitated training for the Self-service machines
• Redesigned the Inflight Web Portal
Lead designer for Interactive Group. My role was to develop innovative ideas and proof of concepts as well as oversaw design integration for Set-top box.