Identifying the market segment (TAM,SAM,SOM) for a real-time tracking initiative for our e-commerce customers we deprioritized and focused our efforts elsewhere.
I used a combination of quantitive approaches to identify market segments (SQL to identify current market size, Surveys to identify our capture rate).
Establishing priority becomes a necessity when you have an abundance of opportunity.
We were nearing the end of a project and decided to build out the business case for our upcoming identified initiative.
I started building the business case.
We are starting this initiative now for several reasons:
We recently updated the UI of our maX orders page and introduced new features for users to easily find orders.
We have identified enhancements based on customer feedback from these recent updates.
Branches are increasingly adopting the drivers app which will provide us the data needed to provide real-time order statuses.
We think this is a critical experience to provide users on our WIP maX mobile app.
We think this will be a critical experience for our future initiative of guest checkout.
We think this will be critical for our future initiative of WW customers shop & buy experience on maX.
The initiative was providing our B2B2C customers with a suite of tools to better track their orders. The initial thought was having features like:
Notifications of order status
Real-time tracking of order status as opposed to current delayed status
Accessible POD's
Tracking individual product status on orders
Would increase customer engagement, reduce the time our branch spends answering order status questions, and increase our e-comm sales.
We thought this because it's what we found in doing research done by others. We found research that supported:
77% of customers check their order status more than once.
87% of customers said that realtime order tracking made their shopping experience more enjoyable
24% of customers were extremely likely to return to a brand that provided real time order tracking.
*These surveys were not conducted by Reece.
ARPC (Average revenue per customer)
WAC (Weekly active customers p/ division)
Deploy a real-time tracking feature for orders within Q2 (now- Dec.) to:
boost customer engagement by [x]%, or page view
reduce order status inquiries by [x]%
Increase maX sales by [x]%
*We hadn't yet identified how much of an impact we thought we could have yet
How will it benefit our company and our customers?
Reduce inquiries with our branch staff on order status.
Providing more visibility for customers to see where their order is. (Engagement)
Provide us with data to measure branch fulfillment ops.
How does it align with our vision and strategy?
Personalized experience for customers
Greater or equal UX than competitors digital order tracking experiences.
Market Segment
Customer data for the last 7 months (Feb - Aug)
TAM (Total addressable market): All Reece customers (WW & PHVAC). [Feb - Aug]
SAM (Serviceable available market): All current maX customers. *Purchased on maX in the last 7 months [PHVAC] *WW customers who logged into maX [Feb - Aug]
SOM (Serviceable obtainable market): maX customers who shop at branches who use the drivers app/ who we think we could get to use the drivers app from now to Dec. [Feb - Dec.] (historical and forecast)
100% of WW branches use Descartes representing 15 customers
5% of (9)Plumbing branches use Descartes representing 44 maX customers.
1% of (1)HVAC branch uses Descartes representing 6 maX customers
*Values are hidden