Emiel Janson

Emiel Janson

Designer in The Netherlands

Work Experience

2024 — Now
2021 — 2024

In 2020, we set out to build more than just a calendar - Rise orchestrates your schedule, moving meetings to optimize your time.

As a founder and designer I did user interviews, made roadmaps, design new ideas, worked on fundraising and spend time on hiring a team.

Raised $3M from investors like Lachy Groom, Stewart Butterfield, Adriaan Mol and many more...

2020 — 2020
CoronaMelder at Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

Designed the Dutch Govt's COVID-19 tracer app together with a team of researchers and designers. The challenge was to convey how the app operates and assure users that their privacy is protected.

Over 180 tests and interviews gathered insights from diverse users – varying those with visual impairments, low literacy and those who are not so familiar with technology.

2019 — 2020
Head of Design at Temper

Led a design team of 8, initiated the new designs system, hired a bunch of designers.

2018 — 2018
NY, SF, London, Amsterdam


2017 — 2018

Together with a few other designers we re-structured and redesigned the entire app.

Tidal's redesigned apps now look more like Spotify and Apple Music – The Verge

2014 — 2017



