

Designer Advocate, Figma in London, He/Him

Published a variable starter kit file to the community!…

A year ago

Designer, newsletter writer(er), podcaster



A podcast by designers, where we don't talk about design.


Podcast series speaking with designesr across the globe about their passions.


Junior jobs are scarce, so I built a website to list only junior jobs in London. I originally had jobs from major cities across the globe, but the site was hacked and I had to start from scratch 😭


Publication to showcase the human side of designers.


My weekly newsletter where I'm trying to remove small talk from conversations, one piece of content at a time.

I highlight something to think about, 3 articles, and a podcast for you to digest.

Side Projects


British companies where you can buy face coverings from, in the wake of COVID-19.


A directory of products from smaller global producers.


A freebie where designers can save time with their typography system. Hosting the resource on Gumroad, I landed 553 sales.



This year, Thales offered me the chance to address their leadership team with a virtual recording of a talk for their normally in-person conference.

I talk about the landscape, the friction, scaling operations, and setting expectations as we start to flesh out and scale our design operations in our businesses.


A tech talk I delivered for an Indian design community to showcase the existing tool landscape for designers and where I believe things will be shifting in the future.

There's a separate Q&A session here:…


A podcast interview where I discussed the ins and outs of design systems, how to get started, and my tips and tricks.

Work Experience

2020 — Now

– Evangelising Figma amongst the European design community
– Collaborating with product, design and engineering teams to help improve and enable design at scale
– Creating best practice guides and content across written, audio and visual mediums
– Hosting livestreams with designers across Europe, and launching Figma features with office hours sessions
– Enabling the EMEA sales team to reach (and beat) targets with client presentations and workshops

2018 — 2020

A first-to-market travel upgrade app, backed by £5m investment (Jan 2020).
• Hired as first designer within the business, realising all design processes
• Planning, building and scaling the Upgrade Pack design system, Dolly
• Lead design of round, raising £500k+ in ~14 days (March 2019)
• Hired Junior UI; Junior UX; 4 Developers; PM; Marketing Executive
• Drove Product and Design publication, where I act as editor

2017 — 2018

Local Measure build a social CRM for the hospitality industry.
• Lead design of the iOS app
• Design and develop features for the web dashboard
• Design and develop the customer facing WordPress website.
I designed and built the front end of a during-stay review platform. Once

customers sign in to hotel WiFi, they are presented with a unique emoji-
based review system. This positively impacted hotel NPS scores and

established a new revenue stream for Local Measure.

2014 — 2017

Newsweek Media Group produces the historic magazine and
• Advertorials for TAG Heuer, Hublot and Wembley Stadium, worth £150k
• Drove newsletter partnerships, forming new £5k per send revenue stream
• Scaled newsletter from 70k to 365k in 9 months with incentivised paywall
• Design of infographics and maps to support breaking global news stories
• Interviewing, hiring and mentoring of a data journalist
• Feature video art direction.
• Print advertisements and iAB approved digital banners for magazine
• iPhone & iPad app presentations, iAD banners and promotional collateral

2013 — 2014
London - WordPress development and landing page design - Minisite design and build to promote iPhone app release
• Workshops to develop personas and justify product design decisions
• Vlogging series to help 16-25 year olds manage exam stress

2011 — 2013

• Sole designer and front end developer for the UK and Asia businesses
• Worked remotely with Bangalore-based backend team
• Full redesign and front end of ecommerce website
• Daily deals and fine wine platform scoping, design, and build
• Supported launch of French and German verticals



Our plucky wine ecommerce startup won the Direct Merchant of the Year award, highlighting the incredible work we produced on our website. We were up against all major wine retailers, so this felt very special.


2008 — 2011


Figma Designer / Developer Advocates