Callum Flack

Callum Flack

Frontend Engineer & Designer in Cairns, Australia


Design + code, vision + details. Wonder, whitespace, fingerspitzengefühl.



Work Experience

2022 — Now
San Francisco, US / Remote
  • Led design and frontend of "Portrait", a flagship image generation AI product

  • Part of a small team that enhanced and maintained "Portrait AI" toward explosive growth: 0 to 455k users in 9 months

  • Hired 4 team mates across the Engineering and Design teams

  • Introduced new features and iterated existing features across "Portrait AI" in response to research and analytics

  • Introduced the “Shape Up method” to the product team

  • Championed move to Linear for task management, establishing a single source of truth for engineering work

2020 — 2022
New York, US / Remote
  • Led the development of Cleared from initial commit through to its sale.

  • Effectively communicated and translated founder-led ideas into technical requirements for the development team and to external providers

  • Created a marketing website to funnel customers to a personalised allergy care system based on initial brand guidelines and website designs

  • Created a web app to determine a customer’s allergy eligibility and provide monthly pharmaceutical care using a questionnaire and algorithm, integrated with a custom Stripe checkout

  • Successfully hired and onboarded six team members, including the Engineering manager

  • Configured door-to-door drop shipping with external providers via the customer database

  • Ensured the web application and customer databases complied with HIPPA security standards

  • Integrated customer re-engagement systems such as drip email campaigns

2015 — 2020
Cairns, AUS

Web design & dev consultancy for health, fashion, lifestyle brands and agencies across Australia

2013 — 2015
Frontend Engineer & Designer at Ward6
Sydney, AUS
1999 — 2013
Graphic designer at Saatchi & Saatchi, and various other nice places around the world
Melbourne, London, Brisbane

My past life as a graphic/interface designer in the bush of ghosts

Side Projects


Quickly respond to questions buried in text by choosing what’s important and removing the rest


2017 — 2017

Second cohort participant. Fantastic to be part of the initial "scene" around digital note-taking.

1995 — 1999
Bachelor of Visual Arts in Graphic Design at Queensland College of Art
Brisbane, Australia