Caleb Hill

Caleb Hill

Building Design Systems, He/Him

Designing beautiful and adaptable systems that level up teams with native-first approach.


Atlas 2.0

Building v2.0 of Atlas, pushing Native-first practices and developing a new dynamic system for design and engineering to tap into as the needs of the system evolves.


AtlasBot is an AI-powered design assistant that helps Experian's UX team make smart choices with Atlas components. It analyzes designs, offers tailored suggestions, and keeps the team's work consistent and efficient.

Milestone — 💠 Atlas Design System (Native) at Experian

Year 3

  1. Continued growing/shipping new components and patterns

  2. Full adoption of base, decision and component tokens

Milestone — 💠 Atlas Design System (Native) at Experian

Year 0-2

  1. Defined core primitives

  2. Released v1.0 of Atlas for iOS and Android

  3. Drove design and engineering adoption

  4. Created and maintained system documentation

Primitive + Decision Tokens

Migrated Figma color styles to variables and sync'd to GitHub to streamline design and dev parity between variables and tokens.

  • Created scalable primitives variables (color, number)

  • Created Atlas decision variables referencing primitives

  • Promoted feature team adoption of Atlas variables and created a system for teams to make custom variables based on local requirements

Storytelling: Atlas Row

Atlas Component design decisions + on canvas documentation examples.

Native Account redesign/launch at Experian

Redesign of core user account screens on iOS and Android

  • Rethought IA and UX to future proof scalability
  • Built in tandem with a young and emerging design system to scale and iterate in shorter and faster cycles

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Lead Product Designer, Design Systems at Experian
  • Maintains and enhances cross-platform Atlas component and pattern libraries in Figma.

  • Works with cross-platform engineering teams to develop components based on detailed design specifications.

  • Collaborates frequently with feature teams to solve real pain points while driving system adoption.

  • Writes detailed design documentation to support both design and engineering teams as they use the Atlas system.

  • Prioritizes accessibility and ensures inclusive experiences across all platforms.

2022 — 2023
Senior Product Designer, Design Systems at Experian
2021 — 2022
Senior Product Designer at Experian

Led the redesign of core app features and surfaces such as the dashboard, credit scores and reports and user account screens

2020 — 2021
Lead Product Designer at Aeris Health

Acquired by iRobot

2014 — 2019
Product Designer at Mopro

Side Projects


Rebuilding components from native apps I regularly use in Figma and SwiftUI

Headless DS

Details coming soon

