If you are not familiar with the chess clock, it consists of two countdown timers to track the amount of time left for each player to make a move. Every time a player makes a move, they will press the button to pause their time and resume the opponent's time. Once your time is up, you lose the game!
The requirements for this product:
It has to show two countdown timers
The user can set the time before starting the timer
Player A's timer starts when the program is run
When Player A's button is pressed, the countdown timer for A stops and the countdown timer for B starts at the same time. The color of the boxes also has to be swapped.
When one player's timer reaches 0, show "Game Over" message

To extend the functionalities of the chess clock, I plan to incorporate some of the sensors available and connect them to the Raspberry Pi.
I use the Proximity Sensor and the SparkFun Qwiic Button for this project.
Here is how it is in action:
Shout out to Panda Xu and Joshua Schmidt for the inspiration at Designing Interactive Devices class.