Worked hard the past few weeks to finish up the latest details and finally share it with you all!
Along with major optimisation and a few redesigns, I introduced an optional subscription, so excited to see how it works out !
Make your dreams feel right at home with new customization features, understand what happens in your mind when you sleep and beyond with powerful insights, and add some character to your stories with custom font features thanks to Egretta Premium.
Creating and implementing a subscription was a very tricky thing to measure and code, but I hope it turned out well ! I'll update it in the next few months to add even more value to it and improve conversion rates.
Another point I had to work on a lot that I didn't expect was Localization ! Glad Apple provides powerful tools for it, else the task would've been way harder to accomplish.
Really excited about what's next for Egretta ! Seeing that much support on a little project I started out of the blue is amazing, and it makes me really hopeful for the future !