Mohammed Zeeshan

Mohammed Zeeshan

Programmer in Kerala, India

Yay! I just signed a full-time job offer as a Software Engineer ✨

2 years ago

Hey awesome people 👋

I am passionate about building software that makes our lives easier and accessible. Learning new things makes me excited and I enjoy teaching my friends and motivate them to write code.



Wrote JS scripts on top of this simple Webflow project to bring out-of-the-box functionalities and optimized existing scripts to improve page loading time and UX.


A clone of page built as an exercise to learn ReactJS. The project was in collaboration with a senior developer who built most of the functionality including the backend with Airtable.


This website was created for a local trader who wanted an SEO first website for his business and one that loads blazing fast and without in need of any maintenance.


Built sign-up, gated pages, and personalized dashboard for this Webflow site using Memberstack and custom JS. Also implemented custom e-commerce using Snipcart.

Side Projects


Building this simple shopping cart while learning Vue 3

Check out the code…

My full Vue 3 learning progress can be seen going through the main branch and then navigating through different branches.


This is a passion project we are building. Though we haven't got a name yet, we are calling it - 'HigherStandard' for now.

This project came out of a problem we were facing when we started learning a skill remotely with resources that mostly came from online. Realizing that we aren't the only ones facing this problem and there are a lot more folks that would benefit from it if we found a solution, we decided to tackle that.

And we try to solve the exact same problem for the next generation of self-taught learners and make the entrance to learn any skill much more accessible and fun.


Learning a xyz library/language/framework wouldn't be complete if we don't have a todo app built using it. This todo app is a bit elegant in aesthetics too!


Built this weather detector project as a ReactJS learning practice.


In this project, I have to build a List Pagination and filtering web application
This is a popular and very common web development technique known as "pagination" to enhance the usability of a web page.


Built this simple random quote generator project while learning the basics of JavaScript

Work Experience

2018 — Now

Working on Webflow projects part-time developing Figma designs into Webflow site, writing custom JS scripts, and implementing out-of-the-box functionalities integrating other no-code tools and API.

2021 — 2021

I worked as an intern at Clear crafting and building conversion focussed user interfaces and improving web performance.

2018 — 2019

Managed the economic and technical demands of the farm and formulated solutions to overcome the problems the farmers face.

2017 — 2019
Graphic Designer at Freelance
2018 — 2018

Worked as a sole graphic designer in this early stage, Government funded and incubated startup with awesome folks.

2017 — 2017

Worked as an intern with the lead designer.


2014 — 2018
LBS Engineering College, Ksaragod

Attended 4 years of a bachelors degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering

