Focused on TypeScript, React, and Three.js.
Responsible for the development of Northvolt’s public website, Northvolt.com, and a range of internal tools and services. The website is built with Gatsby, a React-based framework, utilising TypeScript and DatoCMS, a headless content management system.
A campaign landing page for the charity Oxfam Sweden, designed with Vue.js, utilising SASS for styling. It's fully responsive to ensure optimal user experience across devices.
Side Projects
A music player that shuffles tunes as the International Space Station (ISS) orbits and moves across country borders and oceans.
An image generation tool that leverages DALL-E 3 to produce images in different aspects: landscape, portrait, and square. It's handy for quickly generating visuals for presentations and mockups.
Developed using Next.js, this project features multi-language support with i18n and content management through Google Sheets integration using Google APIs, styled using SASS.
Developed with Next.js and TypeScript, provides real-time Swedish tube departures and a traffic light indicator, serving as a proof of concept for future hardware integration.
A mini RPG game developed using Phaser 3 and the Matter.js physics engine, designed in Figma, utilising JavaScript ES6 and Tiled for level and sprite design.
A Vinyl Art e-commerce website built using Next.js and Strapi headless CMS, featuring GraphQL, Auth0 for authentication, responsive design, Stripe for payments, and Context for state management.
Small radio player built using Sveriges Radio API, covered React basics, rebuilt my RadioPlayer using Sveriges Radio, Open Weather, and Unsplash APIs, and looked to improve JS skills.
Developed a blog with vanilla JavaScript, leveraging headless WordPress CMS for content management in my first Hyper Island project, focusing on simplicity and effective CMS integration.
Work Experience
As the world transitions away from fossil fuels, new opportunities and demands arise for industries. At Northvolt, we’re driving this change by producing green batteries for a blue planet.
☛ Responsible for the development of Northvolt’s public website, Northvolt.com, and a range of internal tools and services. The website is built with Gatsby, a React-based framework, utilising TypeScript and DatoCMS, a headless content management system.
☛ Also responsible for developing Cuberg’s digital presence, Northvolt’s advanced lithium battery subsidiary.
Launched development of a Trader GUI product and a customer portal and collaborated closely with the backend, trader and design teams. Devised xAlgo Play concept that achieved the top customer score of 8.5 for its innovative, user-focused design.
As a developer at North Kingdom Stockholm, I gained experience in agile development methodologies and learned new technologies including Vue and Nuxt. I worked on projects for clients such as Supercell and Oxfam.
I successfully completed the Frontend Developer Course offered by Hyper Island (Stockholm) with distinction (Väl Godkänd). During this 80-week program, I acquired essential skills in various areas, including HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, React, Next, Git, GitHub, agile development, and mobile app development.
Grade: 2:1