Will Hepworth

Will Hepworth

Designer in Valencia, He/him


I've spent the last 6 years trying to design software that works really well. Mostly, this has been with early stage startups and growing product companies. I care a lot about craft, system design and thinking from first principles.

I'm a hands on designer who enjoys being involved engineering and product strategy. I like working on complex, technical problems.



Applying GenAI to help organisations measure the notoriously fluffy topic of wellbeing. Unmind’s Insights product collects wellbeing data and nicely packages it into insights for the people who can make change happen.


Created Unmind's first design system to unify the visual language across 4 products, bringing Designers and Engineers closer to one source of truth.

0 → 1 Product Design at Fenix Carbon

Designing and building a carbon investment platform that people actually want to use.

AI-assisted UX Writing at Unmind

I created UX writing guidelines for our Product Design team and trained a GPT on them.

Context Taxonomy Redesign at Unmind

Restructured a content library based on user needs.

Side Projects


I spent a weekend designing and building my girlfriend a website for her life coaching business.

Work Experience

2022 — 2023

I spent my evenings and weekends leading the product design from 0 → 1 at Fenix, a carbon investment startup.

2018 — 2020