

WebDev Cloud in Lille, France, Them


Cloud integrator developer (level II) since 2019, I was a FrenchTech 2023 Laureate. I managed my companies in 2003 for 7 years and in 2011 for 4 years. My interest is oriented towards CRM-ERP and secure Cloud.

A CRM solution focuses on customer relations and allows the implementation of actions leading, ultimately, to an increase in sales. CRM (or 'Customer Relationship Management') is a strategy for managing a company's relationships and interactions with its customers or potential customers.

An ERP (or 'Enterprise Resource Planning') system is a type of software that businesses use to manage their daily activities such as accounting, purchasing, project management, risk management...

I'm partner of the 'Sovereign Cloud' (ISO 27001 standard), related to digital data security, according to ANSSI (National Information Systems Security Agency) advice.

In partnership with Green Hosting or 'GreenTech' (ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 standards) and Cloud Native solution (including payment for consumption or "Pay as You Go").

I am also certified for best practices for Cloud installations (SecNum Academy certificate) secnumacademie.gouv.fr/

Among my most recent assignments, in 2023, I was Product Owner in Public DNS for the ADEO Service group and the choice of Domain Names is essential for all Web projects.

With my webphl.com project which has existed since 2015 (initially an information blog for professionals) a new platform which was nominated among the 33 best 'FrechTech' projects 2023 and which has become my new digital project for January 2024.

Best Regards !


Let's stay in touch! : contact@webphl.com

Or visit my website! : www.webphl.com


_ ****\\\\ WebPhL Services ////****

• Website and Landing Page.

• Cloud-based Web Applications such as CRM (customer management) and/or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

• iOS and Android Applications (native or PWA).

• Documentary Clouds (NextCloud-OnlyOffice).

• Personalized and secure Webmail (Pro mailboxes with kSuite included for everyone).

• Mass mailing (email campaigns of 60,000/month included).

• Security and Authentications (VPN, DNS, SSL EV-DV, Endpoint on Web Servers, etc.).

• Maintenance and outsourcing contracts over 24 and 36 months.

• Backups of the client's Servers, PCs and Smartphones every hour ('3, 2, 1' method).

• Secure Hosting (ISO 27001 standard).

• GreenTech Hosting (ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 standards) with a very low environmental impact to offer fully secure, scalable and Green Teleworking Services (kSuite is included for all customers !).

More information on kSuite, the 'Ethical Collaborative Solution' : infomaniak.com/fr/ksuite


