Software Engineer with over 19 years experience developing accessible and reliable web applications and services.
Work Experience
Built a framework for building back-end Ruby services at Dutchie using paved-road strategy to help enforce standards across services.
Worked as part of the platform team assisting in the migration of multiple services to AWS EKS.
Prioritized cost savings and reliability for our e-commerce services, working with teams to audit logging, app metrics, and error handling. Recreated release dashboards and monitors for our key e-commerce services and provided documentation for their effective use.
Lead Ruby engineer building integration ETL pipelines for over 27 unique Cannabis Point of Sale systems.
- Built and maintained developer tools and frameworks used to bootstrap new services
- Oversaw and helped architect the second version of our ETL processes, improving our code maintainability and data synchronization times
- Designed and implemented the first version of our order sync service, which pushed orders on dutchie back into the point of sale
- Collaborated on and helped promote project management processes for engineering and product teams across the Dutchie org
- Helped architect cross-org data interfaces post-acquisition of two POS software systems
Ruby on Rails Engineer developing features for Inflect's Users and Teams API as well as internal tools for the operations team, which supported Inflect's SaaS platform helping manage contracts and sales for data center infrastructure.
- Worked side-by-side with the front-end engineering team to build product features relating primarily to Users, Teams, and Project Management
- Constructed a User roles and permissions system
- Integrated Stripe payments and built the subscription system for Inflect's Routefinder product
- Built internal tools for importing and normalizing critical location and infrastructure data
Software Engineer building Humble Bundle's Humble Monthly subscription product, a monthly blind subscription for video games with partial proceeds going to charity.
- Built out the back and front-end marketing, product redemption, and checkout flows for Humble Monthly
- Moved Humble Monthly from a monthly single purchase payment model to a multiple plan subscription model, which included implementing subscription payment processing and tracking
- Helped design and engineer purchase and redemption flows for Humble Monthly gifting
- Designed and engineered tools for Customer Support and Business Development specific to Humble Monthly
Front-end engineer, building user and publisher-side applications to publish and consume bundled artist work known as BitTorrent Bundles.
- Built out consumer and publisher facing UI
- Worked with design and UX team members to update and A/B test new user interfaces and flows
- Helped build out the internally digested NodeJS API
Received a bachelors of science in International Studies - specifically emphasizing Asian Anthropology and Theology. Completed a minor in Computer Science.