Viktor Atanasov

Viktor Atanasov

Co-founder in London, UK



At Simple Suite we help founders bring their SaaS ideas to life.


The easiest way to create a copywriting platform online.


A web application for doing online. You can also save all your poems to a personal gallery that you can then share across.


A platform for running async user interviews.


My first coding project built in React. It was an embeddable AMA widget for websites, blogs etc. You could also create a public AMA dashboard that you could share across with a link.


First proper business that my co-founder and I built together. It was a component library for Power BI that helped users build better reports quicker. It was the first project where a real problem was being solved and we managed to hit traction mainly through forums like Reddit and SEO. The company was acquired 1 year late.


A weekend project. Pre-built components for e-commerce stores that were built in Notion.


Courses and workshops for UK students interested in doing a placement year in a Fortune 500 company.


My first business. An e-commerce Shopify store selling limited edition collector's cereal boxes of Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn (based on AirBnB's idea of Obama O's and Cap'N McCain's I figured if it worked in the US, why would it not work in the UK?

Side Projects


Have you ever wanted to refresh your memory and see the very first version of your favorite digital products and companies? The website is like a time machine, taking you back to the early days of tech and reminding you just how far they’ve come.

The aim of the project is to remind us of the importance of making the first step without getting lost in the weeds, chasing perfection endlessly - and I feel like we’ve all been there are some point in our lives!

It's like looking at baby pictures. You can see how they started off as awkward, clunky, and honestly, a little bit embarrassing. But we all have to start somewhere!


Work Experience

2019 — 2020
Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft
Reading, UK
2017 — 2018
Technical Account Manager at Microsoft
Reading, UK


Simple Suite