Vera Heilig

Vera Heilig

Digital Designer in Stuttgart

Always interested to hear about cool projects – Let me know what you're currently working on!

3 months ago


I have 6+ years of experience designing identities, websites, environments, app experiences, products, and visual content. I delight in connecting with others, discovering new Figma shortcuts, and the perfect slice of quiche.



Ongoing efforts over the last 6 months to upgrade the Visual Identity of Appino and create Guidelines to maintain the new look effortlessly.

Data Viz Color System at Appinio

A color palette for data visualizations is designed to maximize data accessibility. For Appinio I carefully crafted multiple color palettes to use to visualize the results of their market research surveys on the Appinio platform.


Engaging onboarding screens for first time users in the Appinio app.


Marga Schoeller Bücherstube is the oldest bookstore in Charlottenburg, Berlin. 
On accasion of their 90th anniversary 
I updated the brand and created a nostralgic bookmark campaign.

Side Projects


Ever since I was little I spend all my free time drawing and painting. Still love it to this day.


Occasionally I create line icons which I add to my slowly growing icon library. One could call it a meditative practice.

Work Experience

2020 — Now

As an in-house designer, who joined at an early start up phase, I worked closely together with the marketing team, product team and client facing teams in the past.

My role changed from project to project: brand designer, art direction, motion designer, illustrator, product designer, or all at once, depending on the project needs and timeframes.

2019 — 2019
2018 — 2019
Communication Designer at Unicorn Energy
Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE

Working Student


2017 — 2020
2019 — 2019

