Vaibhav Khulbe

Vaibhav Khulbe

Freelance web developer in India, He/Him

∞ Converting ideas into digital products ✓

Open for freelance work in web development, UI/web design, and technical article writing.

A year ago


Hey! 👋

I'm a Frontend Engineer and Web Designer with no-code website development and technical article writing expertise.

Currently working as a Lead Framer Developer at Framerly (

My services cover the entire product lifecycle ∞ from idea to launch ✓.

Let's collaborate to build something amazing today. 🤝



The Contra team hired me to build a simple splash page for an upcoming event they were hosting regarding Portfolio Building for freelancers. I built the webpage in Framer.

Side Projects


A free Framer template to showcase your best artwork. Simple and clean design. CMS support. 100% no-code. Made in Framer.


I made the landing page of Linear with Next.js 13, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.



I wrote a guide for Authgear on how authentication in web apps works and how to implement it with Authgear.

Work Experience

2023 — Now

As a Lead Framer Developer, I work on building exceptional, performant, optimized, responsive and delightful websites on Framer.



I secured 99/100 in the final quiz of the 100 Days of SwiftUI challenge and learned all about Swift and iOS development.


I completed the Just JavaScript course by Dan Abramov from the React team, which taught me to rebuild my mental model from the inside out while using JavaScript.


This course taught me about UI and UX design as a foundation for making great, user-facing designs.


My Bento profile