Our website has relatively high traffic with low conversion rates for each of the user cohorts that exist within our ecosystem.
Potential texters - individuals with the intention to text into the service to get support.
Potential responders - individuals with the intention to sign up to become a responder and volunteer on the platform.
Potential donors - individuals with the intention to donate to the org.
Each of these cohorts have a unique decision making process and by understanding what values and information they prioritize during that process, we are able to curate an experience that addresses all of their questions and concerns. Short surveys were sent out on UserTesting.com with various questions and tasks; users were screened for behavior that best resembled the cohort they fit into (e.g., potential texters were screen for past behavior of reaching out to a mental health support organization.)
Cohort Values
Potential texters - ease, fit, transparency
Potential responders - ease, fit, impact, transparency
Potential donors - ease, fit, impact, transparency
Interestingly enough, each cohort overlapped with each other in terms of the information they were seeking throughout the decision making process, but had a different interpretation due to their intentions. The current website is optimized for potential texters and forces the other user cohorts to seek out information, potentially hindering them from making a decision due to not being able to find what they were looking for.
With these themes in mind, the team is able to think about curating user flows from the moment a user visits our website to when they disengage; doing so increases the chances of conversion by ensuring that all of their needs are met and there is no room for doubt.
Curation of the flows include:
A/B testing to assess which flows convert the most users
Content strategy, including tone and voice
Visual branding
Highlights from users themself to build empathy and trust