

Lead Front-end Engineer @ Karrot in Seoul, Korea, He/him


Interface Enthusiast (UI & API, Interoperable Architecture) / Turning dreams into reality and proving what's possible with code.




Warp at Karrot

· Front-end deployment platform (Client-side rendering only)
· Build Cache-Control policies, leverage AWS CloudFront and Cloudflare simultaneously for fast, smooth serving
· JS/CSS asset preservation to avoid losing assets during dynamic imports
· Utilizing HTMLRewriter to inject runtime environment variables
· Developing Graph-based authorization framework for handling API authorizations (Inspired by Google Zanzibar and GraphQL Resolver)
· Designing domain logic with event sourcing pattern
· Track product metrics using event sourcing patterns (Activation, Retention, Churn Risk Users, etc.)

Hashtag TF at Karrot

· Company-level planning suggestions to strengthen connections between different content within the Karrot
· Front-end(WebView) performance optimization work
· Achieved fastest initial loading speed in CSR environment with p75 LCP 1.07s, p75 FCP 0.34s

Neighbor of the Year at Karrot

· Full-stack development of year-end content utilizing user data
· Proposed and implemented UX in the form of stories (like Instagram)
· Utilized Sanity and JSONata to combine static content with user data
· Performance benchmarks and optimization for a global environment
· Configured backend to serve approximately 30 million user data within p90 50ms (Korea, Canada, US, Japan)
· React, Vite, Sanity, JSONata, Fastify, SQLite


· Implementing routing core logic for a global website (Canada, US, Japan, UK)
· Tracking SEO metrics, creating strategies, and organizing sitemaps
· Fastify, Remix

Landkit at Karrot

· Landing page editing, development, and rendering tools for in-app campaigns
· Ability to build custom components (Component Registry and SDK)
· Atomic CSS libraries for building custom components utilizing Vanilla Extract Sprinkles
· Utilize Cloudflare CDN for caching of 10M-level instantaneous traffic
· Implement responsive images with Cloudflare Image Optimization

Jampot at Karrot

· GraphQL-based content platform backend for automating SEO optimization and sitemap building strategies
· Standardize caching capabilities utilizing Cache-Control headers
· Built with an event-sourcing pattern to rollback from user mistakes
· Node.js, Fastify, MongoDB, GraphQL


· Stack navigation library provides a combinatorial plugin interface
· Event-driven state machine design
· Automate company-wide PV metrics collection with plugin interface
· Zero-dependencies

Karrot Mini at Karrot

· Mini-App Platform
· Developed a third-party integration Open API
· Developed a JavaScript SDK for third-party integration
· Developed the "My Favorites" section within the "Nearby" tab
· Full-stack development of profiles, review features, and more
· Node.js, GraphQL, Relay
· Launched affiliate services such as Washswat, Miso, Petner, Casting, CleaningLab, etc.


· Static web hosting services for affiliate service development
· Origin isolation (Custom Domain Integration)
· Utilize Cloudflare Workers, KV
· Utilize HTMLRewriter API to access execution context as a synchronous function

Dark Mode (Color System Migration) TF at Karrot

· Served as technical program manager for color system migration
· Convinced company-wide resources and assigned and managed team-specific schedules

Shortcut TF at Karrot

· A shortcut service to help new services get into the marketplace
· Positioned at the top of the Home tab and designed other experiments


· Karrot's next-generation website
· Design and implementation of data layer (GraphQL) and page static generation (Next.js)
· Origin, Path standards with consideration for localization and universal linking
· SEO optimization


· Tool to automatically generate IPC interfaces between mobile native (iOS/Android) and webview
· JSON Schema-based
· TypeScript SDK, TypeScript SDK documentation auto-generation
· Automatic generation of Swift and Kotlin stubs
· Consider extensibility through plugin interfaces


· A library aimed at improving the overall UX of webviews
· Native transitional animation library based on react-router-dom
· Utilized by new businesses and services using WebView in Karrot
· (Now rebranded to "Stackflow")

Karrot 알바 (Part-time job posting) at Karrot

· Job posting service in Karrot (New business)
· Application server development
· Node.js, GraphQL
· Optimizing GraphQL performance with the GraphQL JIT Executor and Persisted Queries

Airport at Karrot

· Karrot's WebView deployment platform (former)
· Rollback and canary deployment features
· AB testing with canary deployment features
· <…>

Search WebView at Karrot

· Turning a Karrot search feature for used items from mobile native to a webview
· Native-level transition animation (shared element transition)

Qlova at Karrot

· A gRPC Service integration project with GraphQL
· Aggregate each microservice for easy use
· GraphQL representation of the relationships between domains within microservices, provided in SDL and GraphQL Voyager for easy understanding

Admin Authentication Platform at Karrot

· A server for sharing sessions between independent admin services within Karrot
· Node.js, GraphQL

WebView Platform at Karrot

· Revamping the WebView foundation within the overall Karrot iOS/Android client
· Establish communication conventions with iOS/Android clients and define workflows for native integration
· JavaScript SDK maintaining

Nearby WebView at Karrot

· Developed the third tab of Karrot, the Nearby tab, as a WebView
· GraphQL Client Schema
· GraphQL Schema Stitching (@graphql-tools/stitch)
· Relay

Classroom 2.0 at Erion

· Transitioning an existing 1.0 MVP to React.js
· Leveraging Twilio Programmable Video
· Developing a plugin system and SDK with iframes

Classroom 1.0 (MVP) at Erion

· Developing a real-time video lecture website with Vue.js
· Leveraging Twilio Programmable Video (WebRTC)

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Seoul, Korea

· UX System Department (Front-End Core Team, Design Systems Team) Lead
· Frontend Core Team Lead
· Frontend Chapter Lead

· Build deployment platforms to enhance applications at the company-wide level (Warp)
· Developed an company-wide WebView system with composable plugin interfaces (Stackflow)
· Developed an automated tool to generate interface documentation and code via schema (Metabridge)
· Developed a content platform for SEO (Jampot - Jamstack Data-layer as a Service)
· Develop a landing page CMS and SDK (Landkit)
· Developed and operated website contribution workflow
· Sustainable technical onboarding documentation via template code

· Hashtag TF
· Shortcut TF
· Neighbors of the year (2023)

2020 — 2021
Seoul, Korea

· WebView Platform Development (Bridge Interface, Deployment System, etc.)
· Improving WebView UI/UX with Enhanced Transitions (Karrotframe)
· Website Platform

· Developed and operated Nearby Tab
· Full-stack development of new services (Karrot 알바, Karrot Mini)
· Third-party integration SDK, OpenAPI development
· Migrate search feature from iOS/Android native to WebView

2018 — 2020
CTO at Erion
Seoul, Korea

· Real-time video lecture web application development
· Development of real-time data communication protocols and rendering engines
· Plug-in systems and scalable design

· Developing a live broadcast platform MVP

2018 — 2018
Freelancer at Kolon Industries
Seoul, Korea

· Rebuilding Kolon Industries' global branding website with React.js
· Leveraging Headless CMS (Directus)

Side Projects


· Utility library that reads `.env.example` to validate environment variables
· Replace the existing English interface with Korean and use color to highlight errors and things that need to be fixed


· Event-sourcing library built on MongoDB


· MongoDB persistent integration in Nact.js




I've written down the things I'm always focused on to build a successful product


For an in-house product to be successful, it can't solve just one problem, it must solve multiple customers' problems at the same time


Here's the ultimate JavaScript monorepo setup I've settled on


2019 — Now


2012 — 2021