ian hollander

ian hollander

writer in nj


Author, artist and entrepreneur. Writing tiny books (and tiny products) that make a big impact in mental health,mindfulness, personal growth and spiritual development. i'm also an excellent tennis player and look great in purple. #gobirds.



20 courses for entrepreneurs, authors and artists on mindfulness,magic and mojo. Teach what you know. do what you love. Wake up the world with your work.


Be the Hero, Tiny

If your life were a movie.....and you were the hero, what would you next? No matter what you are dealing with right now.....what might you do differently, or how might you move in the growing, flowing, evolving and unfolding story that is YOU, if you knew the world was watching and cheering you on?

In my own life, asking this simple question can have powerful and profound implications - moment by moment.

Realizing and recognizing that I can always choose anew - to be bigger, bolder, braver.....more audacious or ambitious - more courageous, connected and compassionate - I'm not defined by my histories - or where I've been - or what I've done - or where i've tripped, slipped and screwed up - ONLY by how I show up right NOW - in the only moment that matters.

To me, this is like the ultimate mindfulness alarm - a sturdy, steady reminder that I can always begin again.

And if the movie that is my life is starting now - with an anonymous audience of a billion eyeballs - waiting, cheering and hoping for a hero worth watching to appear on the screen - it makes forgetting my fears & forgiving my failures, foibles, faux pas and all the rest of my frailties - the only way to push my story forward to an exciting end.

It's not always easy.

But this IS the hero's journey - for all of us.

And that somewhere - someone is paying attention to what the hero does next.

And that it may matter more than you ever know. And you may be playing an important role on a super sized screen that you can't quite see......but it's always there, in the background - broadcasting your day.

So be brave. Be courageous. And no matter how you feel about where you've been - be willing get up, breathe out, and begin again.

Teach what you know. Do what you love. Wake up the world with your work. Join us.



A brief homage on the art of inspiration.




Dog Mom of the Year from my girlfriend

Managing meals, treats, belly rubs, and facilitating deep daily conversations with 3 canines from 9am to 2am- no days off, never remote.