

Product Designer in Toronto, She/her


Hi, I'm product designer and design strategist based in Toronto.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of collaborating with a wide range of organizations, applying my design expertise to projects spanning different scales and markets, including B2B, B2C, SaaS, and Enterprise Products.

I have worked and successfully launched projects in fintech, insurance, real estate, healthcare, marketplace, big data, e-commerce, OOH, and digital marketing.

My primary focus is on ensuring that the quality of design meets exceptionally high standards of usability and delivers a top-notch design experience that aligns with both the business objectives and customer goals.

Currently, I am available for freelance or contractual projects – UI/UX - Design Systems - Enterprise Products - Web/Mobile Applications.
Email: talk@tinuyy.com



Work Experience

2023 — 2024
UI/UX Manager at EWA

Improved and led the design strategy throughout the digital transformation of our insurance digital assets.

Collaborated on the development of innovative design strategies and initiatives to effectively meet the company's key performance indicators for the year.

Built and maintained our first Design System to support our digital assets eco system.

Advocated for improving the design and development process by introducing design sprints and conducted knowledge sharing sessions to educate other teams about the business value of design and how it can contribute to organizational goals and customer needs.

Managed and grew the UI/UX Design Team - built the product designer level matrix and improved KPI assessment.

Reduced design debt and improved the digital experience of our digital assets (back-office, HRMS, agent portals, customer portal).

2020 — 2022
Independent Consultant at Remote

Produced compelling data-informed designs to help global clients meet their business and customers needs.

Projects include: SaaS, Enterprise Dashboards, Visual Design, E-commerce, Digital Marketing

2018 — 2020
Product Designer at Freelancer.com Inc

In-house designer for Freelancer.com products.

Conducted research and design sprint workshops to different product teams to increase UX knowledge and UX awareness company-wide.

Improved the design system - maintained and contributed to increase the quality of design guidelines, patterns, and documentation. Ensured elements and components meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

- Core Team
- Freelancer Profile
- Messaging
- Search
- Trust & Safety
- Contests and Projects
- Growth/Aquisition
- Bits - Design System

2017 — 2018
Product Designer at Imfree

Startup company. Worked closely with stakeholders to identify brand and consumer pain points, business
opportunities, and contribute to build better solutions.

2016 — 2017
UI Designer at TrueMoney Philippines

Designed the financial B2B and B2C applications to cater to the needs of the unbanked Filipino


2020 — 2022
Scrum Foundations Professional Certificate SFPC from CertiProf