Manish Panwar
Full Stack Developer in India, He/him
Self-taught Full Stack Developer with a passion for building impactful, scalable solutions. Known for blending technical skills with a product-driven mindset, I contribute to design, feature prioritization, and customer support. I thrive in fast-paced environments, mentoring teams and delivering high-quality work quickly while adapting to new challenges. Dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the teams and products I work with.
Temlist is a website that provides ready-made message templates for Slack and MS Teams. It offers a collection of professionally crafted templates for various purposes, including welcome messages, introductions, community updates, and surveys.
The `slack-blocks-to-jsx` npm package allows you to render Slack blocks in React with styles that closely mimic how they are displayed in Slack. This library converts Slack's block kit components into JSX components, maintaining the visual fidelity and interactive elements.
Work Experience
Built the company’s core platform from scratch using Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and Prisma, leading to the launch of a fully functional product within 2 months.
Created the MS Teams Bot, which has already secured 5+ new customers, expanding Wrenly’s reach beyond Slack and boosting revenue by 10%.
Led UI/UX design for the entire platform, ensuring functionality and ease of use without a dedicated designer.
Mentored and managed a junior developer, resulting in a 30% increase in her independent contributions and reduced review time for her tasks.
Delivered high-impact features like HRIS integration, which helped bring in 5+ new customers, and received founder recognition for fast, effective implementation of new technologies.
Contributed beyond development role—engaging in product strategy, marketing, and feature prioritization to align engineering with business goals.
Improved website SEO and performance, leading to a higher ranking on Google Search.
Developed a 3D product visualizer using Three.js, enabling customers to interact with product demos.
Refactored the codebase to TypeScript, adding proper documentation, improving developer experience (DX), and maintainability.
Built a dashboard using Next.js and TypeScript, designing mock company logos in Figma to enhance the prototype’s presentation, which led to positive stakeholder feedback.
Recognized by the CTO for going above and beyond - "I have nothing but praise for his sincerity and diligence at work. He has skills writing fullstack applications using Next.js and I'm sure he has picked up even more since we last worked together."