Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito

Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito

Associate Professor in Denton, TX, He/Him


I am interested in finding innovative, pragmatic solutions to the barriers to fulfilling wellness and movement autonomy. My specific area of research interest focuses on understanding the social, environmental, and political barriers to the physical activity and sport engagement of disabled individuals across their lifespan.

Through a radical pragmatic lens, I use my expertise in mixed methodology to employ both qualitative and quantitative methods in pursuit of justice-oriented strategies and policies that reduce the systemic barriers to physical activity and sport.

Through participatory/emancipatory frameworks, I am interested in co-producing research that closely aligns with the actual community needs of disabled individuals and their families to ensure that equal opportunities are provided.



The SHAPE America Research Council is delighted to shine a spotlight on Andrew Colombo-Dougovito, Ph.D., who was named a Research Fellow in 2021. Dr. Colombo-Dougovito is an associate professor at the University of North Texas. His research focuses on the justice-oriented strategies and policies that reduce the systemic barriers to physical activity and sport.

We hope you enjoy reading the Q&A below to learn more about his background and work!*


Andrew Colombo-Dougovito, Assistant Professor of Sport Pedagogy and Motor Behavior in the Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation in the UNT College of Education, was presented the Young Professional Award in Adapted Physical Activity at the International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity in association with the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity in Charlottesville, VA.

Work Experience

2016 — 2017
Graduate Researcher at Motivation Intervention Design Lab (UVA)
Charlottesville, VA
2014 — 2017
University Supervisor at Dept. of Kinesiology (UVA)
Charlottesville, VA
2013 — 2017
Doctoral Research & Teaching Assistant at Dept. of Kinesiology (UVA)
Charlottesville, VA
2012 — 2013
Physical Educator & Water Safety Instructor (K-8) at Honey Creek Community School
Ann Arbor, MI
2012 — 2013
Assistant Researcher at Curriculum & Instruction Lab
Ann Arbor, MI
2011 — 2012
Physical Education Instructor (K-5) at Alsup IB World Elementary School
Commerce City, CO
2009 — 2011
Itinerant Physical Education Teacher at Lapeer Community Schools
Lapeer, MI
2008 — 2009
Substitute Teacher at Washtenaw County Schools
Lapeer, MI



[Professional Development] I am currently learning python, SQL, etc. through Coursera and Google.


[Oral History] In the ADAPTED Project, I will collect the shared works of the adapted physical activity and education professions to examine their successes as well as their failures. Additionally, perhaps most importantly, I will interview prominent scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders to capture their experiences and histories. During the generation of information, I will develop a digital archive to preserve these histories for future generations. I will, also, analyze the collected data for common threads about the past to provide a foundation for the profession to move forward. In doing so for the trade, I will also create a reference for those outside the profession—the public—to gain insight into the adapted physical education and activity world.

Disability, Sport and Society at Routledge

[Book Proposal] A colleague and I are drafting a proposal for a second edition of the 2008 Disability, Sport, and Society text.


[Book] This book provides an accessible space for interdisciplinary scholarship and narrative through an analysis of the power of media and sports, focusing on the intersectionality of identity, politics, social justice, and social movements within this context. Contributors examine how identities coalesce in sports and discuss the ways in which sports provide spaces for marginalized communities and create unique platforms that shift how society defines identity. Athletes’ identities and actions—and mass media’s representation thereof—can influence both the perceptions of society as a whole and how individuals view themselves, contributors argue. Each chapter delves into how different aspects of identity, including race, gender, disability, and sexuality, have developed and influenced social change, with a strong focus on lived experiences of both scholars and athletes from marginalized communities. Scholars of media studies, communication, sociology, and kinesiology may find this book particularly useful.

Side Projects


[Livestream & Podcast] Critical conversations about our build world. Each episode explores the intersection of disability, movement, wellness, and society. Released every other Monday; the new season starts on Nov. 7.




[Personal Development] I like to design things and dabble in photography. I'm, in no way, a professional...but I love the challenge.

Building rapport: Improve int erviews to capture detailed responses from parents of children with disabilities, PALAESTRA

[Academic Journal]

Exploring the interaction of motor and social skills with autism severity using the SFARI dataset, Perceptual and Motor Skill

[Academic Journal]

A practical guide to the development of an online course in adapted physical education, PALAESTRA

[Academic Journal]

Effectiveness of quality physical education in improving students’ manipulative skill competency, Journal of Sport and Health Science

[Academic Journal]

Successful intervention strategies for autism spectrum disorder and their use for the development of motor skills in physical education, PALAESTRA

[Academic Journal]

Inclusive and effective adapted physical education: Meeting the needs of each student, Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators

[Academic Journal]

"Try to do the best you can”: How pre-service APE specialists experience teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, International Journal of Special Education

[Academic Journal]

Comparison of physical fitness performance between elementary-age students with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, The Physical Educator

[Academic Journal]

“Not everybody enjoys physical activity”: A qualitative Twitter study of the barriers experienced by autistic adults at National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities Virtual Poster Sessions

[National Presentation]

Adapted Physical Educators’ Views Toward Educational Research at 2020 SHAPE America National Convention & Expo
Salt Lake City, UT

[National Presentation]

he’s a Lady; He’s an Athlete; ey have overcome: Portrayals of Gender and Disability in the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference organized by the Commission on the Status of Women
San Francisco, CA

[National Presentation]

Using a Socially Assistive Robot to Engage Children in Physical Activity: An Analysis of “What’s Possible” Using a Participatory Design Framework at International Society for Autism Research
Seattle, WA

[International Presentation]

A conversation on Twitter: Autistic adults perspectives on physical activity at Interntational Society for Autism Rsearch
Seattle, WA

[International Presentation]

“Unless you deal with the sensory stuff, nothing else matters”: Autistic adult’s experiences with physical activity and recommendation for better inclusion at Able, Active, and Adaptive Conference
College Station, TX

[Regional Presentation]

Smart technologies for inclusive living aging with autism spectrum disorder (STILAS) at Enabling Health Technologies meeting
Denton, TX

[Regional Presentation]

Experiences participating in community physical activity by families who have an autistic child: Findings and recommendations at 2019 Pac Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity
Manoa, HI

[International Presenation]

A new grounded theory of physical activity participation in autistic adults: Preliminary findings at International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2019 annual meeting
Montreal, Canada

[International Presentation]

Participatory research: Improving adapted physical activity outcomes by including key stakeholders at International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity
Charlottesville, VA

[Interntational Presentation]

Common modifications for youth on the autism spectrum during motor and physical fitness assessment at International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity
Charlottesville, VA

[International Presentation]

Lifetime physical activity experiences of autistic adults: A grounded theory study at International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity
Charlottesville, VA

[International Presentation]

Examining physical activity in children on the autism spectrum from service provider’s perspective at Emerging Scholars Symposium at the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) annual meeting
Arlington, VA

[National Presentation]

“Nothing about us, without us": A building session for using participatory design frameworks in adapted physical activity research at National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) annual meeting
Arlington, VA

[National Presentation]

Barriers to physical activity participation in the community for families with a child on the autism spectrum at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity 2018 bi-annual meeting
Corvallis, OR

[National Presentation]

A systematic review of social skills common to physical activity-based interventions for individuals on the autism spectrum at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity 2018 bi-annual meeting
Corvallis, OR

[National Presentation]

Measurement of physical activity of young adults on the autism spectrum at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity 2018 bi-annual meeting
Corvallis, OR

[National Presentation]

What autistic adults say about their physical activity experiences and why we should listen at 47th National Adapted Physical Education (APE) Conference (NAPEC)
San Diego, CA

[National Presentation]

A fundamental motor skill intervention using a dynamic systems approach at International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2018 annual meeting
Rotterdam, Neatherlands

[Interntational Presentation]

A mixed methods analysis of a fundamental motor skill intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder at MMIRA International Conference 2018
Vienna, Austria

[International Presentation]

Inclusion of autistic voices: Strategies to navigate the grey area of informed consent at 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences
Orlando, FL

[Invited Presentation]

Task Modification to effectively build gross motor skills in autistic youth at Northern California Autism Symposium
Chico, CA

[Invited presentation]

Importance of gross motor skill programming for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and strategies to be effective at 9th Annual Adventures in Autism Intervention and Research Conference
Denton, TX

[Regional Presentation]

Improving motor performance in children with ASD using task modifications at Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance’s 94th Annual Conference
Fort Worth, TX

[Regional Presentation]

ask modifications to improve motor performance in children with ASD at SHAPE America annual national convention
Boston, MA

[National Presentation]

Facilitators and barriers to physical activity in the community in families with children who have autism spectrum disorder at International Meeting for Autism Research
San Francisco, CA

[International Presenation]

Task modifications to improve motor performance in children with ASD: A pilot study using a dynamic systems approach at nternational Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA) biannual conference
Daegu City, South Korea

[International Presentation]

e roll of dynamic systems theory in motor development research: How does theory inform practice and what are the implications for autism spectrum disorder? at Curry Research Conference
Charlottesville, VA

[Regional Presentation]

Designing Purposeful Task Modification to Improve the Success of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in P.E at VAHPERD annual conference
Midlothian, VA

[Regional Presentation]

Making task constraints work for you: Teaching motor skills to children with autism spectrum disorder at SHAPE America - Southern District annual convention
Williamsburg, VA

[National Presentation]

Developing modifications for assessment in children with ASD: Preliminary Results at SHAPE America annual national convention
Minneapolis, MN

[National Presentation]

Practical strategies to successfully assess children with autism spectrum disorder at SHAPE America annual national convention
Minneapolis, MN

[National Presentation]

e effect of task modifications on fundamental motor skills of children with ASD: Preliminary results of a pilot study at Emerging Scholars Symposium at the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) annual meeting
Tyson's Corner, VA

[National Presentation]

Analyzing how autism severity affects motor and social skills: An exploration using the SFARI Base dataset at International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
Baltimore, MD

[Interntational Presentation]

When we assess, do they understand? A pilot study to make assessments more accessible for children with ASD at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA) biannual conference
Alberta, Canada

[International Presentation]

Parent perceptions of the physical ability of children with ASD: An excerpt from a mixed methods dissertation of a FMS intervention at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA) biannual conference
Alberta, Canada

[International Presentation]

Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Content Teaching Academy
Harrisonburg, VA

[Invited Presentation]

Evaluating fidelity in online professional development for physical educators at SHAPE America annual national conference
Seattle, WA

[National Presentation]

Utilizing a dynamic systems approach to building functional motor skills in children with ASD at Emerging Scholars Symposium at the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) annual meeting
Tyson's Corner, VA

[National Presentation]

Comparing selected international K-12 physical education programs at Curry Research Conference
Charlottesville, VA

[Regional Presentation]

Evidence-based autism intervention strategies and their potential to develop motor skills at Curry Research Conference
Charlottesville, VA

[Regional Presentation]

Utilizing evidence-based practices to teach motor skills to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at AHPERD annual conference
Virginia Beach, VA

[Regional Presentation]

Developing a protocol for use of the Test of Gross Motor Development, TGMD-2, with children with autism spectrum disorder at Emerging Scholars Symposium at the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) annual conference
Tyson's Corner, VA

[National Presentation]

Effect of gender and disability on gross motor performance in kindergarten children at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA) biannual conference
Ann Arbor, MI

[Interntational Presentation]

Preservice adapted physical education teacher challenges when teaching motor skills to children with autism spectrum disorder at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA) biannual conference
Ann Arbor, MI

[Interntational Presentation]

Theory to Practice: inclusive practices for physical education teachers at University of Virginia Curry Cup
Charlottesville, VA

[Regional Presentation]

Comparison of fitness performance between children with and without ADHD at AAHPERD National Convention Poster Session
Charlotte, NC

[National Presentation]



Outstanding Junior Faculty Researcher from University of North Texas, Dept. of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, & Recreation

Fellow status is reserved for members who have made significant and sustained contributions to scholarship (research, creative, or scholarly activity) and related service in the areas of interest to SHAPE America. The purpose of Fellow status is to promote scholarship as an integral component of SHAPE America as well as to:

  • Recognize accomplishments in scholarship by SHAPE America members
  • Recognize and promote participation in the research activities of SHAPE America

The Doris R. Corbett-Johnson Leaders for Our Future Award recognizes younger members who have demonstrated outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership. This award is chosen in two membership categories, "college and university" and "non college and university."

Awarded "Top Faculty Paper" from Commission on the Status of Women, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)

This award recognizes the development of “passionate enthusiasm and inspiration” in young adapted physical activity professionals. It was initiated by Dr. Claudine Sherrill, with the help of Dr. Karen DePauw and Dr. Gudrun Doll-Tepper in 1993. The goal of the award is to encourage, recognize, and support young professionals interested in APA. Eligibility for the Young Professional Award is restricted to professionals less than 40 years of age. One Young Professional Award is made by IFAPA and a second one by the local organizing committee of the Symposium.


Adapted PE/Activity Graduate Student of the Year honors exemplary graduate level students in the field of adapted PE/PA who has demonstrated significant service and contributions to individuals with disabilities.

Mary Catherin Ellweiin Award from Curry School of Education, University of Virginia

The Ellwein Award was established in memory of Mary Catherine Ellwein, a loved and respected member of the Curry faculty. This award is given to a Doctoral student in any program with a love of learning, willingness to take intellectual risks, ability to explore alternative ways of seeing and knowing, concern for issues of social equity and justice, ease and facility in communication, and active involvement in contributing to the Curry community.

Linda K. Buunker Scholarship from Department of Kinesiology, University of Virginia


SQL (Basics) from mimo
Python (Basics) from mimo
2021 — 2024
Social & Behavior Research from Collaborative Intitutional Training Initiative (CITI)

The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) is dedicated to serving the training needs of colleges and universities, healthcare institutions, technology and research organizations, and governmental agencies, as they foster integrity and professional advancement of their learners.

Apple Teacher from Apple Teacher Program
2015 — 2025
Certified Adapted Physical Educator from National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabiilties (NCPEID)


2020 — Now
Member at Climbing Access Fund

Support initiatives to protect climbing areas in the US.

2017 — Now
Member at Dallas Off-Road Biking Association (DORBA)
Denton, TX

Assist with events and "trail days".

2019 — 2019
Volunteer at Clean Up Denton
Denton, TX
2014 — 2014
Volunteer Coach at Special Olympics
Charlottesville, VA

Assisted the head coach with training sessions.

2013 — 2013
Volunteer at
Charlottesville, VA