Village One

Village One

Berlin, DE
Challenging the status-quo
Focus on impact
Meaningful work
Leave it better than you found it
Treat people right

Introduce us to your team

We're deliberately small team of researchers, designers and software engineers, combining their digital expertise in one company. We conceptualize, prototype, design and build digital platforms, infrastructure and products. Additionally, we have a sharp eye for branding and take a strategic point of view.

What values does your team share?

COOPERATIVELY OWNED, DEMOCRATICALLY GOVERNED: Village One is an open-ended experiment on how to run a sustainable business for the common good—we aim to explore new economic paradigms and to empower our members, partners and network.

EVERYTHING WE DO IS COMMUNITY-DRIVEN: Recognizing that we stand on the shoulders of giants, we value cooperation over competition. We practice radical transparency so that others can learn from our experiences, regardless of success or mishap. We’re stronger together!

MANY VILLAGES INSTEAD OF A BIG CITY: We are a deliberately small and nimble organization, operating with minimal overhead and maximum character. Instead of perpetual growth our vision is to scale by replication, forming a network of aligned co-ops over time.

How do we contact you?