Serving the People Foundation

Serving the People Foundation

Onsite or remote
New York City, US

What is your team mission?

Serving the People is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that assists artists and creators in making meaningful connections both online and in person. Established in 2017, STP has launched a number of initiatives and developed a platform for connecting creators with audiences, as well as finding opportunities for collaboration and support.

What are your team rituals?

Our organization hosts weekly in-person meetings led by artists, providing a space for creative collaboration and discussion. These meetings offer members the opportunity to connect and engage in meaningful dialogue about their work, ideas, and projects. They are designed to foster a supportive and inclusive environment where members can share their experiences and learn from one another. We believe that these in-person gatherings are an important part of our mission to assist artists and creators in making meaningful connections both online and offline.

How do we contact you?

Our community stays connected through WhatsApp and Discord, which offer a diverse selection of channels for art, film, video, tech, and more.