

Auckland, NZ
Always be learning
Mission driven
Create delight
Embrace change
Strong opinions loosely held

Introduce us to your team

The team consists of mainly Jonno, with a network of talented people that will join a project when required.

What type of music does your team listen to?

The team listens to a wide variety of music. Check out this playlist on Spotify to get a good idea, but sort by recently added.

How do we contact you?

Send us an email to

What design tools do you use day to day?

Figma, Whimsical, Campfire

What does your stack look like?

Vercel, NextJS, Tailwind, Radix-UI

Should designers code?

They don't have to actively code, but knowing what is possible and what is not, so they don't give their engineers a heart attack, is a desirable skill.

In saying that, I'd choose a designer that knows both design and code over someone that does not.