Dotnik Studio
What is your team mission?
Hey Explorer, meet Dotnik Studio!
About Us? Well, are you kidding me? Haven't heard about us yet? Then you might be living under the rock! Well, we are an agency, let me define first what an agency is, four factors that I think define an agency: services, employees, business model, and values.
We focus on design and work with-in house team members like designers, developers, consultants, and engineers to fully deploy our work. We offer both digital and print design services as well as branding specializations and sometimes graphic and product design. As a result, we focus on Design services and occasionally offer some strategy services.
What are your team rituals?
We focus on building great projects for the web. We love to be hired to create digital experiences that are a mixture of innovative technology, great design, and multimedia content. Although we are sometimes hired to simply create a great website. We work with ad agencies or consultants to deliver on a complex component of a campaign or a large digital project. We focus on Design and Technology over Strategy and Advertising and have a great deal more production capability in the form of digital video and motion design.