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Full time
Competitive salary
Flexible schedules
Employee equity
Alexander Vilinskyy
Nuno Job
Pedro Teixeira
Dmytro Kondakov
Anna Yushchenko
Christian Knoflach

Within 2 hours from: 🇺🇸 EST or 🇬🇧 GMT


What are we looking for?

We are missing a product designer in our small team. We know that perfect candidates don’t exist. Even if not all of this applies, we’d love to learn more about you.

In this role, you are responsible for working alongside our current product team and designing interactions that will marvel our users. We strive to make Deci super simple, and so we need all the experience and creativity we can get in this role.

You will

  • Transform complex concepts into simple and easy to use experiences.

  • Participate in all phases of product design: Research → Sketches → Wireframes → UI Design → Prototyping → User Testing.

  • Design no-code and low-code interactions alongside our front-end developers.

  • Craft a reusable design system.

  • Collaborate with community teams to help to build an engaging community for our product.

You might be a good fit for this role if you

  • Significant experience in UI design.

  • Very hands-on.

  • At least one year working in a startup, preferably in the productivity space.

  • Love working with other experienced designers and learning from them.

  • Feel comfortable building web applications.

  • Think that product, design, and software engineering go hand in hand.

  • Believe in building great experiences for users.

  • Care about accessibility and having products that are inclusive to all people.

  • Love creating apps that work on web and mobile web.

  • Love working alongside front-end developers.

  • Are self-taught and have a continuous improvement mindset.

  • Feel comfortable with moving at a fast pace with your team.