Taylor Emmerson

Taylor Emmerson

Product Designer in San Francisco, He/Him



Excerpt from "Plugin showcase: level-up team workflows with custom Figma plugins", presented by Jean-François Bisson, showcasing some of my work with internal Figma plugin's to help designers discover and use high-quality components across the company.

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Product Designer at Meta, Design Tools
San Francisco

Building internal tools to support design workflows, including Figma plugins, documentation tools, engineering handoff, quality check, and design system sources of truth.

2021 — 2022
San Francisco

Lead designer on 0 -> 1 efforts to help admins sustain their Facebook groups financially. Worked on three primary products in an effort to offer a selection of solutions.

Community fundraisers help to raise funds for important group initiatives or show support. Shops allow groups to sell merchandise to deepen group connection and raise funds. Paid subgroups where members can subscribe to for a fee and get access to exclusive content, coaching or networking, or just a space to show support for the group at large.

2018 — 2021
Menlo Park

Created a new foundation-focused design system for Ads & Business Products. The new design system was implemented it into over 30 surfaces, including Facebook Ads Manager, across web and mobile platforms.

Some of my contributions included establishing variables in code, headless/foundational components that could be reused, and ensuring the system could be updated as it evolved. In addition I lead the documentation efforts, helping create an internal tool used across Meta (Facebook) today.

2016 — 2018
Menlo Park

Worked on enterprise level dashboards, a new task-based permissions for business assets (Ad Account, Pages, Product Catalogues, etc), and vision work for the Ads & Business Platform including navigation and IA.

2015 — 2016

New portfolio themes, editing experiences, and marketing pages.

