Tanvir Raj

Tanvir Raj

Software Artisan in Dhaka


I have over 4+ years of extensive background in designing and building both consumer and enterprise applications. I have immense passion for writing, Product design and building high-quality reliable and fast applications with great User experience.

Work Experience

2021 — 2022
saudi arabia
  • Build 2 internal react apps from idea to production
  • Mentor Junior Developer who improves to IC within 6 months
  • Provide design and Product feedback to Improve User Experience.
  • Incrementally Re-Structuring for better developer Experience
    Technologies: React, Next.js, Zustand, Material-UI, Radix-ui (headless ui components).
2018 — 2021
  1. Developed CarremNow Dashboard for Food delivery business that operates in over 100 cities across 14 countries. (acquired by Uber in 2020)

  2. Architected and developed Monstar Lab’s internal Resource, Operation management application nplanner.io from scratch that is currently used by 25 offices all over the world by 1200+ members.

  3. Led a team of 3 to build a Gaming dashboard with React that is used in 4 different countries.

  4. Developed re-usable component library by customizing ant design with React.

  5. Build a boilerplate project StarterKit to kick-start a new company project very fast.

  6. Added Unit testing to many projects using Jest and React testing library.

Technology: React, Next.js, Redux, Redux-tookit, Rematch, Ant Design, Material UI, Formik

2016 — 2018
  1. Developed CarremNow Dashboard for Food delivery business that operates in over 100 cities across 14 countries. (acquired by Uber in 2020)

  2. Architected and developed Monstar Lab’s internal Resource, Operation management application nplanner.io from scratch that is currently used by 25 offices all over the world by 1200+ members.

  3. Led a team of 3 to build a Gaming dashboard with React that is used in 4 different countries.

  4. Developed re-usable component library by customizing ant design with React.

  5. Build a boilerplate project StarterKit to kick-start a new company project very fast.

  6. Added Unit testing to many projects using Jest and React testing library.

Technology: React, Next.js, Redux, Redux-tookit, Rematch, Ant Design, Material UI, Formik

