Sven Giesen (37)

Sven Giesen (37)

UX & UI Management in Cologne, Germany, He/him


👷‍♂️ design, ui/ux, webstuff, code & ecommerce
👕 making clothes for fun @
💚 diy, 3d printing and videogames

Work Experience

2023 — Now
2023 — 2023
Cologne, GER

UX & UI, Brand Design, Research, Analytics and Testing, Product Development

2022 — 2022
Cologne, GER

UX & UI, Research, Consulting, Analytics and Testing. Workshop and education content development for customers and project teams.

2020 — 2022
UX & UI Conception, Prototyping and Testing at FOND OF GmbH
Cologne, GER

Ideation, design and performance development of the e-commerce experience of all FOND OF kids brands with A/B testing, analyzing, hypothesizing, ui/ux prototypes and user story conception. Guiding my team with scrum.

2018 — 2020
Cologne, GER

Brand & interface oriented design for all e-commerce touchpoints as well as front end implementation and basic spryker development/twig templating.

2013 — 2020

Web, mobile- and interface design as well as ideation, project planning & custom built websites via front end technologies and diverse CMS solutions.

2014 — 2015

Planning & developing of a editorial & publishing system with linked client websites (100+) including a personal dashboard of all relevant social media KPI. Visualizing internal and external digital products, websites, graphic assets etc.

2010 — 2013
Cologne, GER

Planning, designing and developing small to medium web projects based on common CMS and hand tailored solutions.



Complete redesign, front end and new CMS infrastructure based on ProcessWire for


Design and development of a magazine like blog as a marketing tool for events, announcements or raffles of solebox.


Planning and designing of different financial advice apps for personal contract management & recommendation services from finance and insurance service providers (e.g. ADAC, MLP, netfonds etc. ) based on big data analyzes and evaluations from the company 1blick


Landingpage to display community votes gathered on different social media platforms to support their social media stars.


Design and Development of a platform for curated Snapchat profiles incl. scancodes and reverse search via existing social media handles (IG, Twitter, FB, Youtube) to discover new or known profiles.


Redesign and technical overhaul of the digital magazine, editorial platform and job offers market


Redesign and technical overhaul of the digital magazine, editorial platform and ad management service


Design and development of the fact checking platform from the second german television (ZDF) for the federal election 2013, as well as european election 2014


Design and development of a dedicated publishing platform for "green" topics in the Wirtschaftswoche network


Social Media Punch picks up on past and current events that have caused a stir on the social web for a wide variety of reasons and prepares them editorially in the form of blog articles. A fixed number of topics are specified by the central editorial team and these are worked up piece by piece in chronological order.


Design and development of the website of the Cologne Pirate Summit incl. timetable and panel management


Design and development of the website of the cologne Advance Conference incl. timetable and panel management

"Wir sprechen Deutsch" at Deutschlandstiftung Integration

Technical implementation of a platform to filter language schools and offers of the DSI by cities and to present them in an easily understandable way.

Side Projects


Shop for Streetwear and Accessories.



Questions answered:

  • Who are you and what is your expertise?
  • What comes to your mind when you think of xdeck?
  • What motivates you?

Wie ist es den Kölner Medienmachern 2016 ergangen? Was waren ihre Highlights und Abfucks, ihre Feste und ihre Abturner? Worauf freuen sie sich 2017? Ich habe 16 Kölner um eine persönliche Einschätzung gebeten.



Ein offener Brief zur Relativierung von Freundschaftsgefallen.


2008 — 2010
Nicht beendet at Albrecht-Dürer-Berufskolleg

Mediengestalter Schwerpunkt Digital

2005 — 2008
Nicht beendet at Berufskolleg für Technik

Gestaltungstechnischer Assistent

2006 — 2006
Praktikum Screendesign at db central gmbh

Screendesigns für Webprojekte erstellen. Flashanimationen und Actionscriptlösungen entwickeln.

2002 — 2005
Nicht beendet at Robert Bosch Berufskolleg

Fachabitur Informations und Kommunikationstechnik

